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Send Firebase Cloud Messenging (FCM) notifications from Laravel


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Laravel FCM Channel

Laravel FCM Channel

Manage FCM notifications with ease using Laravel FCM Channel.


This package has been built to make sending FCM messages easier.

There is also a Flutter package you can use to save time for mobile development.


  • Add multiple (FCM) devices to a model in Laravel
  • API Routes for adding new devices to a model
  • Send FCM notifications using the new "fcm_channel" in your Laravel Notification
  • Flutter mobile package to help speed up your development with notifications


First, install the package via composer:

composer require nylo/laravel-fcm-channel

The package will automatically register itself.


Run the install command.

php artisan laravelfcm:install

This will add a (laravelfcm.php) config file

ServiceProvider to your app.php: App\Providers\FcmAppServiceProvider::class

Then, ask if you want to run the migrations.

Here are the tables it will migrate:

  • fcm_devices

Add your Google Service Account to config/firebase_service_account_json.


return '{
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "123456789-me908",
    "private_key_id": "123456789",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\123456789\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "",
    "client_id": "123456789",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": "",
    "universe_domain": ""

You can download your Google Service Account in your Firebase Project Settings > Service Accounts > Manage service account permissions > "Actions (three dots) - Manage keys" > Add Key > Create New Key.

Then, paste the JSON into the firebase_service_account_json file like in the above example.

Note: It's best to keep the key values in a .env file. Don't commit the JSON file to your repository.

You can configure this package in config/laravelfcm.php.

Configuring your Model

Add the HasFcmDevices trait to your User Model.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Nylo\LaravelFCM\Traits\HasFcmDevices; // Use HasFcmDevices trait
use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, HasFcmDevices; // Add it to your model

This package uses laravel/sanctum as the default middleware for your model.

However, if you want authenticate using a different middleware, you can update the middleware key in your config/laravelfcm.php file.

API Endpoints

This package adds API endpoints to your router to allow your application to store devices.

Postman collection example

Store a device

The default endpoint: /api/fcm/device

Method: PUT

Authorization: "Bearer {{Sanctum Token}}"

Add this header key: X-DMeta


    "uuid": "12992", // required, a uuid which should be from the device.
    "model": "iPhone", // optional
    "version":" 12", // optional
    "display_name": "Tim's iPhone", // optional
    "platform": "IOS" // optional

Payload body:

    "is_active": 1, // optional, use this key to define if a device is active or not
    "fcm_token": "kjnsdmnsdc0sdco23" // optional, when you have an FCM token for the device, use this key in the payload

This will add a new FCM device for a User. If you provide a fcm_token in the payload then the user will be able to receive push notifications.


Sending Notifications

To send a notification using the FCMChannel, first create a Notification in your Laravel project.

php artisan make:notification ParcelDispatchedNotification

After creating your notification, add a fcm_channel to the array below.

     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [
            'fcm_channel', // add this

Then, add the following snippet to your notification class.

     * Get the fcm representation of the notification.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return mixed
    public function toFcm($notifiable)

        return (new FcmMessage)
            ->title('Parcel Dispatched')
            ->body('Your parcel has been dispatched');

        // or like this

        return [
            'title' => config(''), // Title of the notification
            'body' => $title, // Body of the notification

Send a Notification

$user->notify(new ParcelDispatchedNotification($order));

This will send a notification to the user's devices.

Control if an FCM notification should be sent

In some scenarios, you may only want to notify a user based on a condition.

In your User model class, add the following snippet.

class User {

    use HasFcmDevices;

     * Determines if the devices can be notified.
     * @return bool
    public function canSendNotification($notification) : bool
        // $notification - Will return the type of Notification you are trying to send.
        // E.g. $user->notify(new NewsLetterNotification($order));
        // $notification = 'App\Notifications\NewsLetterNotification';
        // The canSendNotification method will be called before dispatching the fcm notification. 
        // If you return True, it will send. If you return False, it will not send.

        if ($notification  == 'App\Notifications\NewsLetterNotification') {
            return ($this->receives_news_letters == true); // example condition
    	return true;

By default, the canSendNotification method will return true.

Notification Object

Here are the attributes you can assign to a FcmMessage.

$notification = new FcmMessage();

$notification->title('My App'); // Title of the notification
$notification->body('Hello, World!'); // Body of the notification
$notification->image(''); // Image URL
$notification->badge(1); // Badge number
$notification->sound('custom_sound'); // Sound to play (by default it will play the 'default' sound)
$notification->data(['key' => 'value']); // Custom data
$notification->withoutDefaultSound(); // Disable the default sound
$notification->priorityHighest(); // Set the priority to 'high'
$notification->priorityLowest(); // Set the priority to 'low'


When your model is using the HasFcmDevices trait you can call the following methods.


$user = User::first();

$user->fcmDevices;// Returns all the FCM Devices that the user owns

// send notification
$fcmDevice = $user->fcmDevices->first(); 
$message = (new FcmMessage)
                    ->title('My App')
                    ->body('Hello, World!');

// or like this

    'title' => 'My App',
    'body' => 'Hello, World!'

Flutter Plugin

Need to send notifications to a Flutter application?

Check out the official repository for that project here.


Please see CHANGELOG for recent changes.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please view our License File for more information.