diff --git a/docs/node/run-your-node/prerequisites/system-configuration.mdx b/docs/node/run-your-node/prerequisites/system-configuration.mdx
index 4b74ef9f7c..5b374081f5 100644
--- a/docs/node/run-your-node/prerequisites/system-configuration.mdx
+++ b/docs/node/run-your-node/prerequisites/system-configuration.mdx
@@ -6,91 +6,22 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
This page describes changes that should be made to the configuration of the
system where you are running an Oasis Node instance.
-## File Descriptor Limit
-Make sure that the user under which you are running your Oasis Node has a high-enough file descriptor limit as the databases can have many files open and running out of file descriptors can lead to the node stopping unexpectedly.
-You can check the file descriptor limit by running the following as the same user that will run Oasis Node:
-ulimit -n
-If this number is lower than 102400 you should consider increasing it by updating your system configuration. You can configure _temporary_ limits by running:
-ulimit -n 102400
-Note that this limit only applies to any processes started from the same shell after the command was executed. If you want to make the change permanent, you have the following options.
+## Create an user
-### System-wide Resource Limits Configuration File
+Nothing in Oasis Node requires elevated privileges, so running the Oasis Node
+with root privileges is not allowed. Attempting to run the `oasis-node` process
+as the root user will terminate immediately on startup. We strongly advise
+establishing a dedicated user account to manage the Oasis Node processes.
-As `root`, create a file in `/etc/security/limits.d/99-oasis-node.conf` with content similar to the following example:
+To create the user run:
-* soft nofile 102400
-* hard nofile 1048576
-You can replace `*` with the name of the user that is running the Oasis Node in case you only want to change the limits for that particular user.
-In order for the changes to take effect a system restart may be required.
-### Systemd Service Configuration
-In case you are running your Oasis Node process via [systemd](https://systemd.io/), you can add the following directive under the `[Service]` section:
-### Docker
-If you are running Oasis Node via [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) you can pass the following option to `docker run` in order to increase the limit to desired values:
---ulimit nofile=102400:1048576
+adduser oasis
-## Running Oasis Services with Non-root System User {#non-root}
-Beginning with **Oasis Core 22.1.x release series** it is
-**no longer allowed to run Oasis Node** (i.e. the `oasis-node` binary)
-**as root** (effective user ID of 0).
-Running network accessible services as the root user is extremely bad for
-system security as a general rule. While it would be "ok" if we could drop
-privileges, `syscall.AllThreadsSyscall` does not work if the binary uses `cgo`
-at all.
-Nothing in Oasis Node will ever require elevated privileges.
-Attempting to run the `oasis-node` process as the root user will now terminate
-immediately on startup.
-While there may be specific circumstances where it is safe to run network
-services with the effective user ID set to 0, the overwhelming majority of cases
-where this is done is a misconfiguration.
-### Changing Your Setup to Run Oasis Services with Non-root System User {#change-to-non-root}
-In these examples, we change the setup to run Oasis Services (e.g. Oasis Node)
-with a non-root system user named `oasis`.
-These instructions also assume that the node's datadir is `/node/data`.
-Adjust these as appropriate to your setup.
-1. Create the `oasis` system user:
+Adjust the user as appropriate to your setup. For example, Setting `oasis`
+user's Shell to `/usr/sbin/nologin` prevents (accidentally) logging in as this
+user. See the following examples on how to create a user on different systems.
@@ -127,24 +58,80 @@ Add the following task to your playbook:
+## File Descriptor Limit
+Make sure that the user under which you are running your Oasis Node has a
+high-enough file descriptor limit as the databases can have many files open and
+running out of file descriptors can lead to the node stopping unexpectedly.
+You can check the file descriptor limit by running the following as the same
+user that will run Oasis Node:
+ulimit -n
+If this number is lower than 102400 you should consider increasing it by
+updating your system configuration. You can configure _temporary_ limits by
+ulimit -n 102400
+Note that this limit only applies to any processes started from the same shell
+after the command was executed. If you want to make the change permanent, you
+have the following options:
+As `root`, create a System-wide Resource Limits Configuration File in
+`/etc/security/limits.d/99-oasis-node.conf` with content similar to the
+following example:
+* soft nofile 102400
+* hard nofile 1048576
+You can replace `*` with the name of the user that is running the Oasis Node in
+case you only want to change the limits for that particular user.
-Setting `oasis` user's Shell to `/usr/sbin/nologin` prevents (accidentally)
-logging-in as this user.
+In order for the changes to take effect a system restart may be required.
-2. Stop your Oasis Node.
-3. Transfer ownership of the datadir to the `oasis` user:
+In case you are running your Oasis Node process via
+[systemd](https://systemd.io/), you can add the following directive under the
+`[Service]` section:
-chown -R oasis /node/data
+If you are running Oasis Node via [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) you can pass
+the following option to `docker run` in order to increase the limit to desired
+--ulimit nofile=102400:1048576
-See [Invalid Permissions] troubleshooting guide for more information.
-4. Update how you run Oasis Node:
+## Examples on how to setup different platforms
+See se following examples on how to add user to the
@@ -198,8 +185,6 @@ chpst -u oasis oasis-node ...
-5. Start your Oasis Node.
[`User` directive]:
[`User` instruction]: