Oasis Wallet 1.3
NOTE: The latest stable deployed version of Oasis Wallet can be found at https://wallet.oasisprotocol.org/.
Change Log
1.3 (2022-10-27)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Replace click listeners on submit buttons with submit listeners on forms (#1070, #1037)
- Show notification when an address has been copied (#1012)
- Refactor password field validation and restyle (#1081)
- Refactor HomePage buttons into ButtonLinks to improve accessibility (#1097)
- Restyle default tooltips and toast notifications (#1098)
Internal Changes
- Dependencies updates (#1060. #1062, #1015, #1065, #1063, #1067, #1068, #1071, #1072, #1075, #1073, #1074, #1034, #1077, #1076, #1078, #1084, #1080, #1011, #997, #1083, #1085, #1086, #1088, #1090, #1099, #1095, #1101, #1100, #1102, #1103, #1104, #1105)
- Update Mega Linter (#1087, #1089)
- Support nullish assignment syntax in i18next-scanner (#1066)
- Remove component and slice generators (#1069)
- Update gitignore (#1082)
- Rename renovate group PRs (#1092)