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chore: port str tests to ppx_expect (#566)
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rgrinberg authored Oct 29, 2024
1 parent e2308be commit 912e8ab
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Showing 10 changed files with 337 additions and 373 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,13 @@ let pair x y = Tuple [ x; y ]
let record fields = Record fields
let enum x = Enum x
let string s = String s

let result ok err = function
| Ok s -> variant "Ok" [ ok s ]
| Error e -> variant "Error" [ err e ]

let option f = function
| None -> enum "None"
| Some s -> variant "Some" [ f s ]
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,18 +37,8 @@ let optint fmt = function
| Some i -> fprintf fmt "@ %d" i

let quote fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" s

let pp_olist pp_elem fmt =
"@[<3>[@ %a@ ]@]"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@ ") pp_elem)

let char fmt c = Format.fprintf fmt "%c" c
let bool = Format.pp_print_bool
let pp_str_list = pp_olist quote
let lit s fmt () = pp_print_string fmt s

let to_to_string pp x =
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/fmt.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
type formatter := Format.formatter
type 'a t = formatter -> 'a -> unit

val pp_str_list : string list t
val sexp : formatter -> string -> 'a t -> 'a -> unit
val str : string t
val optint : int option t
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib_test/expect/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(modes native js))
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib_test/expect/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Re = Re_private.Re
include Re_private.Import
module Fmt = Re_private.Fmt
module Dyn = Re_private.Dyn

let printf = Printf.printf

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325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions lib_test/expect/
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@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
open Import

module type Str_intf = module type of Str

module Test_matches (R : Str_intf) = struct
let groups () =
let group i =
try `Found (R.group_beginning i) with
| Not_found -> `Not_found
| Invalid_argument _ -> `Not_exists
let rec loop acc i =
match group i with
| `Found p -> loop ((p, R.group_end i) :: acc) (i + 1)
| `Not_found -> loop ((-1, -1) :: acc) (i + 1)
| `Not_exists -> List.rev acc
loop [] 0

let eq_match ?(pos = 0) ?(case = true) r s =
let pat = if case then R.regexp r else R.regexp_case_fold r in
ignore (R.search_forward pat s pos);
Some (groups ())
| Not_found -> None

let eq_match' ?(pos = 0) ?(case = true) r s =
let pat = if case then R.regexp r else R.regexp_case_fold r in
ignore (R.string_match pat s pos);
Some (groups ())
| Not_found -> None

module T_str = Test_matches (Str)
module T_re = Test_matches (Re.Str)

let test dyn_of_ok str re args =
let run f =
match f () with
| s -> Ok s
| exception exn -> Error exn
let str = run (fun () -> str args) in
let re = run (fun () -> re args) in
if not (Poly.equal str re)
then (
let printer x =
let dyn =
let open Dyn in
result dyn_of_ok (fun x -> string (Printexc.to_string x)) x
sexp_of_dyn dyn |> Base.Sexp.to_string_hum
Printf.printf "str: %s\n" (printer str);
Printf.printf "re: %s\n" (printer re))

let dyn_of_pairs x =
(fun x -> x ~f:(fun (start, stop) ->
let open Dyn in
pair (int start) (int stop))
|> Dyn.list)

let split_result_conv = ~f:(function
| Str.Delim x -> Re.Str.Delim x
| Str.Text x -> Re.Str.Text x)

let dyn_split_result_list list =
(let open Dyn in
| Re.Str.Delim x -> variant "Delim" [ string x ]
| Text s -> variant "Text" [ string s ])
|> Dyn.list

type ('a, 'b) test =
{ name : string
; dyn_of_ok : 'b -> Dyn.t
; re_str : Re.Str.regexp -> 'a -> 'b
; str : Str.regexp -> 'a -> 'b

let bounded_split_t =
{ name = "bounded_split"
; dyn_of_ok = (fun x -> Dyn.list ( x ~f:Dyn.string))
; re_str = (fun re (s, n) -> Re.Str.bounded_split re s n)
; str = (fun re (s, n) -> Str.bounded_split re s n)

let bounded_full_split_t =
{ name = "bounded_full_split"
; dyn_of_ok = dyn_split_result_list
; re_str = (fun re (s, n) -> Re.Str.bounded_full_split re s n)
; str = (fun re (s, n) -> split_result_conv (Str.bounded_full_split re s n))

let full_split_t =
{ bounded_full_split_t with
name = "full_split"
; re_str = (fun re s -> Re.Str.full_split re s)
; str = (fun re s -> split_result_conv (Str.full_split re s))

let split_delim_t =
{ name = "split_delim"
; dyn_of_ok = (fun x -> Dyn.list ( x ~f:Dyn.string))
; re_str = Re.Str.split_delim
; str = Str.split_delim

let split_t =
{ name = "split"
; dyn_of_ok = (fun x -> Dyn.list ( x ~f:Dyn.string))
; re_str = Re.Str.split
; str = Str.split

let global_replace_t =
{ name = "global_replace"
; dyn_of_ok = Dyn.string
; re_str = (fun re (r, s) -> Re.Str.global_replace re r s)
; str = (fun re (r, s) -> Str.global_replace re r s)

let eq_match ?pos ?case re =
test dyn_of_pairs (T_str.eq_match ?pos ?case re) (T_re.eq_match ?pos ?case re)

let eq_match' ?pos ?case re =
test dyn_of_pairs (T_str.eq_match' ?pos ?case re) (T_re.eq_match' ?pos ?case re)

let test t re args =
test t.dyn_of_ok (t.re_str (Re.Str.regexp re)) (t.str (Str.regexp re)) args

let split_delim re s = test split_delim_t re s
let split re s = test split_t re s
let full_split re s = test full_split_t re s
let bounded_split re s n = test bounded_split_t re (s, n)
let bounded_full_split re s n = test bounded_full_split_t re (s, n)
let global_replace re r s = test global_replace_t re (r, s)

let%expect_test "literal match" =
eq_match "a" "a";
eq_match "a" "b";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "alt" =
eq_match "a\\|b" "a";
eq_match "a\\|b" "b";
eq_match "a\\|b" "c";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "seq" =
eq_match "ab" "ab";
eq_match "ab" "ac";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "epsilon" =
eq_match "" "";
eq_match "" "a";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "rep" =
eq_match "a*" "";
eq_match "a*" "a";
eq_match "a*" "aa";
eq_match "a*" "b";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "rep1" =
eq_match "a+" "a";
eq_match "a+" "aa";
eq_match "a+" "";
eq_match "a+" "b";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "opt" =
eq_match "a?" "";
eq_match "a?" "a";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "bol" =
eq_match "^a" "ab";
eq_match "^a" "b\na";
eq_match "^a" "ba";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "eol" =
eq_match "a$" "ba";
eq_match "a$" "a\nb";
eq_match "a$" "ba\n";
eq_match "a$" "ab";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "start" =
eq_match ~pos:1 "Za" "xab";
eq_match ~pos:1 "Za" "xb\na";
eq_match ~pos:1 "Za" "xba";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "match semantics" =
eq_match "\\(a\\|b\\)*b" "aabaab";
eq_match "aa\\|aaa" "aaaa";
eq_match "aaa\\|aa" "aaaa";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "Group (or submatch)" =
eq_match "\\(a\\)\\(a\\)?\\(b\\)" "ab";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "Character set" =
eq_match "[0-9]+" "0123456789";
eq_match "[0-9]+" "a";
eq_match "[9-0]+" "2";
eq_match "[5-5]" "5";
eq_match "[5-4]" "1";
eq_match' "[]]" "]";
eq_match' "[a-]" "-";
eq_match' "[-a]" "-";
eq_match' "]" "]";
eq_match' "[^b-f]" "z";
eq_match' "[^b-f]" "a";
[%expect {||}];
(* These errors aren't correct *)
eq_match' "[]" "x";
eq_match' "[" "[";
str: (Error "Failure(\"[ class not closed by ]\")")
re: (Error Re_private.Emacs.Parse_error)
str: (Error "Failure(\"[ class not closed by ]\")")
re: (Error Re_private.Emacs.Parse_error)

let%expect_test "compl" =
eq_match "[^0-9a-z]+" "A:Z+";
eq_match "[^0-9a-z]+" "0";
eq_match "[^0-9a-z]+" "a";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "Word modifiers" =
eq_match' "\\bfoo" "foo";
eq_match' "\\<foo" "foo";
eq_match' "foo\\>" "foo";
eq_match' "z\\Bfoo" "zfoo";
eq_match' "\\`foo" "foo";
eq_match' "foo\\'" "foo";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "Case modifiers" =
eq_match ~case:false "abc" "abc";
eq_match ~case:false "abc" "ABC";
[%expect {| |}]

let%expect_test "global_replace" =
global_replace "needle" "test" "needlehaystack";
global_replace "needle" "" "";
global_replace "needle" "" "needle";
global_replace "xxx" "yyy" "zzz";
global_replace "test\\([0-9]*\\)" "\\1-foo-\\1" "test100 test200 test";
global_replace "test\\([0-9]*\\)" "'\\-0'" "test100 test200 test";
(* Regrssion test for #129 *)
global_replace "\\(X+\\)" "A\\1YY" "XXXXXXZZZZ";
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "bounded_split, bounded_full_split" =
[ ",", "foo,bar,baz", 5
; ",", "foo,bar,baz", 1
; ",", "foo,bar,baz", 0
; ",\\|", "foo,bar|baz", 4
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (re, s, n) ->
bounded_full_split re s n;
bounded_split re s n);
[%expect {||}]

let%expect_test "split, full_split, split_delim" =
[ "re", ""; " ", "foo bar"; "\b", "one-two three"; "[0-9]", "One3TwoFive" ]
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (re, s) ->
split re s;
full_split re s;
split_delim re s);
[%expect {||}]
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions lib_test/fort_unit/dune

This file was deleted.


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