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Server documentation

Quickstart with Docker

If you have Docker installed (if not, you can find how to do so here), you may want to create a docker container. To do so, simply execute the following commands :

sudo docker build -t mart-server .
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 mart-server

You may now start to play with your MartServer instance through the OCCInterface : http://localhost:8080/occinterface/.

Build the application

Go to the application's directory and then:

mvn initialize
mvn clean install

Integration tests

Be aware that this will execute real operations like create compute, start/stop compute etc. In MART core module, dependencies must be set on infrastructure and its dummy connector (as described in pom.xml on this repository).

If you want to execute integration tests execute :

mvn clean verify -Pintegration-test

Some dependencies are in lib/ directory, mvn initialize reference them in your local maven repository. The file pom.xml declare them via the plugin maven-install-plugin, if you need to customize what library is required, you can update this file with your own dependencies. Note that the server use Model@Runtime from Clouddesigner libs, if you have designed your extension model and developped your own connector, you may update the file pom.xml.

Start the server

Launch the server with an embedded jetty :

Three options :

cd org.occiware.mart.jetty
mvn compile exec:exec

You can launch the server with an embedded jetty using occinterface integration :

mvn clean install -Pwithoccinterface
cd org.occiware.mart.war
mvn jetty:run-war

Launch the server with an embedded tomcat :

mvn clean install -Pwithoccinterface
cd org.occiware.mart.war
mvn tomcat7:run-war

The http address to occinterface is by default : http://yourserver:port/occinterface/ For example : http://localhost:8080/occinterface/

You may have a result like this one for jetty :

INFO  log - Logging initialized @372ms
WARN  ContextHandler - o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@58651fd0{/,null,null} contextPath ends with /*
WARN  ContextHandler - Empty contextPath
INFO  MART - OCCIware MART initializing...
INFO  MART -   Scanning all plugin.xml found in the classpath...
INFO  MART -     - EMF package org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.OCCIPackage at registered.
INFO  MART -     - Ecore factory org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.util.OCCIResourceFactoryImpl for file extension .occie registered.
INFO  MART -     - Ecore factory org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.util.OCCIResourceFactoryImpl for file extension .occic registered.
INFO  MART -     - OCCI extension contained in model/Core.occie registered.
INFO  MART -     - EMF package org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.infrastructure.InfrastructurePackage at registered.
INFO  MART -     - Ecore factory org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.util.OCCIResourceFactoryImpl for file extension .infrastructure registered.
INFO  MART -     - OCCI extension contained in model/Infrastructure.occie registered.
INFO  MART - OCCIware MART initialized.
INFO  ConfigurationManager - Collection: [,]
INFO  ConfigurationManager - Loading model extension :
INFO  ConfigurationManager - Loading model extension :
INFO  ConfigurationManager - Extension : core added to user configuration.
INFO  ConfigurationManager - Extension : infrastructure added to user configuration.
Mart server will log in path : /Users/myuser/workspace/MartServer/logs/mart_server_debug.log
Mart server will log in path : /Users/myuser/workspace/MartServer/logs/mart_server_info.log
Mart server will log in path : /Users/myuser/workspace/MartServer/logs/mart_server_warn.log
Mart server will log in path : /Users/myuser/workspace/MartServer/logs/mart_server_error.log
Mart server will log in path : /Users/myuser/workspace/MartServer/logs/mart_server_fatal.log
2016-11-23 08:40:26.764 INFO  jetty-9.3.9.v20160517
2016-11-23 08:40:27.250 INFO  Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@58651fd0{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2016-11-23 08:40:27.275 INFO  Started ServerConnector@2262b621{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2016-11-23 08:40:27.276 INFO  Started @1574ms

The extensions you have registered in pom.xml must appear in the output log, here i have OCCI core extension and OCCI core infrastructure.

If the option server.load.onstart is set to true, all the models will load on start.

Stop server

Simply kill the java main thread (pkill -9 java) or ctrl+c in current server terminal.

If the option is set to true, This will save all the models in your home directory. You can configure that in the config properties file.

Configuring the server.

The martserver config file is only useable with org.occiware.mart.jetty package submodule.

The server port is by default on 8080. Https server port is by default on 8181.

By default, the server use the packaged configuration file located in module security : ./, if you use the packaged war, you must update and use this file.

You can add a property file with the name as you want, and located in a directory of your choice. You could create for example a file server.config and set it to my_folder_config. You can also launch the server with this command line :

mvn compile exec:exec -Dexec.args="/my_folder_config/server.config"

This feature is only available for standalone mode (using jetty module).

WARNING : Your config file must at least have the following properties properly set : server.http.port,, server.protocol .

For now there are some parameters :

  • server.http.port=8080

Where the port is between 1 and 9999 a good practice to set the port is to assume that all port before 1000 are not ok. So you can choose a port like 1001.


The directory where are located the application logs.

  • server.protocol=https

The protocol, https is set by default.

  • server.https.port=8181

Https protocol port.


Path of your model directory. By default, if not set, the application will use: /homedir/models/

This is used by save and load model api feature.


This parameter give the ability to save model when stopping the server.

  • server.load.onstart=true

This parameter give the ability to load model when starting the server.


This parameter give the extension model jar and connector jar plugins to use with the server, those libraries will be loaded at runtime (only tested with jetty module). By default the server will use the directory : /homedir/martserver-plugins

  • server.users.mode=none

Users storage mode.

By default, no users management (none), if you want user management feature, you must set this option to "file", users will be stored in a file. You can replace this value to "none", this will disengage users validation process.


This parameter give a directory where to store the users properties configuration file.

By default, this parameter is the home directory/martserver-users/


This parameter give a filename to the users configuration file.

By default, is used.

Using the server

If you have launch the server in localhost, you can check that the server is started correctly with this curl command:

curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/.well-known/org/ogf/occi/-/ -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:1234 

In content result, you will have a json string with the full interface supported by this server. Like this:

*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /.well-known/org/ogf/occi/-/ HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
> accept: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2016 09:48:55 GMT
< Server: OCCIWare MART Server v1.0 OCCI/1.2
< Content-Type: application/occi+json
< Accept: text/occi;application/json;application/occi+json;text/plain
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  "actions" : [ {
    "scheme" : "",
    "term" : "up",
    "title" : ""
  }, {
    "scheme" : "",
    "term" : "down",
    "title" : ""
  }, {
    "scheme" : "",
    "term" : "start",
    "title" : "Start the system"
  }, {
    "attributes" : {
      "method" : {
        "mutable" : true,
        "required" : true,
        "pattern" : {
          "$schema" : "",
          "type" : "string"
        "type" : "string"
    "scheme" : "",
    "term" : "stop",
    "title" : "Stop the system (graceful, acpioff or poweroff)"
}, {

Logs output

There is two output :

  • standard output will log all logs with level INFO in console output.
  • file log output, contains all application / dependencies logged per level.

The subdirectory logs/ contains all output logs level (rolling mode with a maximum of 2 Mo size) :

  • mart_server_debug.log (DEBUG level)
  • mart_server_info.log (INFO level)
  • mart_server_warn.log (WARN level)
  • mart_server_error.log (ERROR level)
  • mart_server_fatal.log (FATAL level)

Users management and user profiling

You can manage your users directly with the users configuration file (refer to section configuration above), the authentication uses http basic authentication only but more will be available (oauth2, ldap mode). On users configuration file (, the users are defined as properties like this one :

## crud create, retrieve, update, delete, a for all actions authorized, if action defined separated by comma, users is authorized only on these actions like start,stop,suspend
## test users, create, update, retrieve and delete entities, all actions without users management
  • user + number is the key for the username
  • password + number is the key for the password
  • profile + number is the key for the profile array

Profile values are set as a table :

  • c : create entity (resource or link)
  • r : Retrieve entity
  • u : update entity
  • d : delete entity
  • a : all actions on entity are authorized to be launched
  • cu : create user
  • uu : update user
  • lu : list user
  • du : delete user
  • other words : occi action term authorized, in our sample, anonymous has access for start and stop a compute

User management with http REST

Some REST operations are available too, you must use a user that have the rights to create, update, delete and list users. Only json is used for these operations.

The following sample show how it works :

  • List all users :

curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/mart/users/ -H 'accept: application/json' -u admin:1234

This query use admin user and give the following result :

  "users" : [ {
    "username" : "test",
    "createEntity" : true,
    "deleteEntity" : true,
    "updateEntity" : true,
    "retrieveEntity" : true,
    "allActions" : true,
    "updateUser" : false,
    "createUser" : false,
    "listUser" : false,
    "deleteUser" : false,
    "authorizedActions" : [ ]
  }, {
    "username" : "anonymous",
    "createEntity" : true,
    "deleteEntity" : true,
    "updateEntity" : true,
    "retrieveEntity" : true,
    "allActions" : true,
    "updateUser" : false,
    "createUser" : false,
    "listUser" : false,
    "deleteUser" : false,
    "authorizedActions" : [ ]
  }, {
    "username" : "admin",
    "createEntity" : true,
    "deleteEntity" : true,
    "updateEntity" : true,
    "retrieveEntity" : true,
    "allActions" : true,
    "updateUser" : true,
    "createUser" : true,
    "listUser" : true,
    "deleteUser" : true,
    "authorizedActions" : [ ]
  } ]
  • List one user :
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/mart/users/test -H 'accept: application/json' -u admin:1234
  "username" : "test",
  "createEntity" : true,
  "deleteEntity" : true,
  "updateEntity" : true,
  "retrieveEntity" : true,
  "allActions" : true,
  "updateUser" : false,
  "createUser" : false,
  "listUser" : false,
  "deleteUser" : false,
  "authorizedActions" : [ ]
  • Add a new user : test2
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/mart/users/test2 -d '
"username" : "test2",
"password" : "12345",
"createEntity" : true,
"deleteEntity" : false,
"updateEntity" : false,
"retrieveEntity" : true,
"allActions" : false,
"updateUser" : false,
"createUser" : false,
"listUser" : false,
"deleteUser" : false,
"authorizedActions" : [ "stop", "suspend" ]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -u admin:1234
  • Add a new collection of users (user1 and user2)
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/mart/users/ -d '{
 "users" : [ 
   "username" : "user1",
   "password" : "1234",
   "createEntity" : true,
   "deleteEntity" : true,
   "updateEntity" : true,
   "retrieveEntity" : true,
   "allActions" : false,
   "updateUser" : false,
   "createUser" : false,
   "listUser" : false,
   "deleteUser" : false,
   "authorizedActions" : [ ]
  }, {
   "username" : "user2",
   "password" : "1234",
   "createEntity" : true,
   "deleteEntity" : false,
   "updateEntity" : true,
   "retrieveEntity" : true,
   "allActions" : false,
   "updateUser" : false,
   "createUser" : false,
   "listUser" : true,
   "deleteUser" : false,
   "authorizedActions" : [ "start","suspend", "restart" ]
 } ]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -u admin:1234

To update existing users, you must provide the same request as we show in POST example (full update only).

Special features

We have added the feature to save or load model for current user (using basic auth).

There is special uri for that : /mart/save/ and /mart/load/

To validate the model : /mart/validate/

Example for saving the model :

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/mart/save/ -u admin:1234

To fully reload a model on demand :

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/mart/load/ -u admin:1234

If it's done, the info log will give :

2017-07-07 16:38:20.937 INFO  Saving model to : homedir/models/model-admin.occic
2017-07-07 16:38:20.938 INFO  Model for owner : admin is saved !
2017-07-07 16:38:20.938 INFO  Model saved to disk on : homedir/models/
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Input parser implement: text/plain
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Output parser implement : application/json
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Parser request: JsonOcciParser
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  HTTP Authentication method : Basic
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Checking user accreditation
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Parser request: TextPlainParser
2017-07-07 16:39:38.038 INFO  Parsing input uploaded datas...
2017-07-07 16:39:38.040 INFO  Collection: [,] --> owner : admin
2017-07-07 16:39:38.051 INFO  Configuration models loaded from disk.


Do not hesitate to create new issues if you find a bug or if you have suggestion to make it better.