API RESTful for a veterinary clinic, built with FastAPI, SQLModel, and SQLite. This project is well-structured, secure, and includes authentication, permissions, and task automation.
API RESTful para uma clínica veterinária, desenvolvida com FastAPI, SQLModel e SQLite. O projeto está bem estruturado, seguro e inclui autenticação, permissões e automação de tarefas.
✅ CRUD operations for Users, Clients, and Patients.
✅ Authentication with JWT (Login, Logout, Refresh Token).
✅ Role-based access control (superadmin
, admin
, user
✅ Middleware for Global Authentication (JWT token validation).
✅ Prevention of revoked token reuse (logout security).
✅ Task automation with Taskipy.
✅ Linting and formatting with Ruff.
✅ Database migrations with Alembic.
🚧 Upcoming Features: RabbitMQ for queues and Redis for caching.
- Python 3.12+
- FastAPI 🚀
- SQLModel (based on SQLAlchemy)
- SQLite (database)
- Alembic (migrations)
- JWT (authentication)
- Bcrypt (password hashing)
- Taskipy (task automation)
- Ruff (linter and formatter)
- Pre-commit (code quality control)
- Docker (containerization)