- Vue SPA allows to create both a mechanism for managing a single table.
- Application built with Vue is SPA (Single Page Application) so it works much faster than apps based on Wordpress, Joomla, etc.
- Vue SPA uses the vue along with its ecosystem (Vuex, Vuetify, etc).
- The application architecture is adapted to work with REST API
- operations on records:
- Store,
- Update,
- Suspend/Restore,
- Delete,
- Multiple update,
- Multiple Suspend/Restore,
- Multiple Delete
- filtering:
- Show active/inactive records,
- Search phrase in whole table,
- Search phrase in selected column (exact, like and list mode)
- items view versions:
- client side (small tables),
- server side (big tables)
- other functions and features:
- datatable mechanism allows selection of the number of records per page, page transition and sorting,
- management of a child table from the parent table module,
- export to excel (xlsx),
- table refreshing,
Do you want to test the application quickly, and you do not have an API ready? No problem, you can use the ready-made example in the examples folder. The API for this example is available on the internet, so you can connect to it by entering its address in the configuration file.
- Type following commands:
yarn install
- Serve your app:
yarn serve