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Expose newly-published inference and pkg_src_dir on CLI
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Co-authored-by: Shon Feder <>
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punchagan and shonfeder committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent 0fac1c1 commit beef79d
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Showing 7 changed files with 290 additions and 155 deletions.
27 changes: 9 additions & 18 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,27 +42,18 @@ module Check = struct
let of_dir ~master ~job ~packages cwd =
let master = Current_git.Commit.hash master in
exec ~cwd ~job [|"git"; "merge"; "-q"; "--"; master|] >>/= fun () ->
let changed =
let package_args =
|> List.filter_map (fun (pkg, change) ->
match change with
| Analyse.Analysis.(New Release | Unavailable | SignificantlyChanged | InsignificantlyChanged ) -> Some (OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
| _ -> None)
|> function
| [] -> []
| changed -> ["--changed-packages"; String.concat "," changed ]
let pkg_str = OpamPackage.to_string pkg in
let new_arg = match change with
| Analyse.Analysis.(New Package) -> Some "true"
| Analyse.Analysis.(New Release | Unavailable | SignificantlyChanged | InsignificantlyChanged ) -> Some "false"
| Deleted -> None
in (Printf.sprintf "%s:new=%s" pkg_str) new_arg)
let new_ =
|> List.filter_map (fun (pkg, change) ->
match change with
| Analyse.Analysis.(New Package) -> Some (OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
| _ -> None)
|> function
| [] -> []
| new_ -> ["--newly-published"; String.concat "," new_ ]
let cmd = ["opam-ci-check"; "lint"; "--opam-repository"; "."] @ changed @ new_ in
let cmd = ["opam-ci-check"; "lint"; "--opam-repository"; "."] @ package_args in
(* Show instructions to run locally *)
let install_instructions = ["opam"; "pin"; "opam-ci-check"; "git+"] in
Current.Job.write job
Expand Down
127 changes: 91 additions & 36 deletions opam-ci-check/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ module Distro = Dockerfile_opam.Distro

let ( // ) = Filename.concat

(* [(let+)] is [Term.(const f $ v)] *)
let ( let+ ) t f = Term.(const f $ t)

(* [(and+)] is [Term.(const (fun x y -> (x, y)) $ a $ b)] *)
let ( and+ ) a b = Term.(const (fun x y -> (x, y)) $ a $ b)

(* This is, which is not available in Cmdliner 1.1.1 *)
let map_term f x = (Term.const f) x

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,24 +55,27 @@ let read_package_opam ~opam_repo_dir pkg =
Printf.eprintf "Error in %s: Failed to parse the opam file due to '%s'" opam_path msg;
exit 1

let lint (changed_pkgs, new_pkgs) local_repo_dir =
type package_spec = {
pkg : OpamPackage.t;
src : string option; (* package source directory *)
newly_published : bool option;

let lint package_specs local_repo_dir =
match local_repo_dir with
| None -> failwith "TODO: default to using the opam repository"
| Some opam_repo_dir -> (
@@ Printf.sprintf "Linting opam-repository at %s ..." opam_repo_dir;
(* TODO: Allow providing package source directories from the CLI *)
Dir_helpers.with_temp_dir "opam-ci-check-lint-" @@ fun dir ->
let process_package ~newly_published pkg_str =
let pkg = OpamPackage.of_string pkg_str in
let process_package { pkg; src; newly_published } =
let opam = read_package_opam ~opam_repo_dir pkg in
let pkg_src_dir = fetch_package_src ~dir ~pkg opam in
let pkg_src_dir =
if Option.is_none src then fetch_package_src ~dir ~pkg opam else src
Lint.v ~pkg ~newly_published ~pkg_src_dir opam
let all_lint_packages = (process_package ~newly_published:(Some true)) new_pkgs
@ (process_package ~newly_published:(Some false)) changed_pkgs
let all_lint_packages = process_package package_specs in
let errors = Lint.lint_packages ~opam_repo_dir all_lint_packages in
match errors with
| Ok [] ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,35 +197,87 @@ let pkg_term =
let info = [] ~doc:"Package name + version" in
Arg.required (Arg.pos 0 (Arg.some Arg.string) None info)

let changed_pkgs_term =
let info =
[ "c"; "changed-packages" ]
~doc:"List of changed package name + version"
let split_on_first c s =
match String.split_on_char c s with
| [a] | [a; ""] -> Ok (a, None)
| [a; b] -> Ok (a, Some b)
| _ -> Error s

let arg_with_optional_attrs_conv arg_conv attrs_conv =
let (let^) = Result.bind in
let conv s =
match split_on_first ':' s with
| Ok (a, None) ->
let^ x = Arg.conv_parser arg_conv a in
Ok (x, [])
| Ok (a, Some attrs) ->
let^ x = Arg.conv_parser arg_conv a in
let^ attrs = Arg.(conv_parser (list attrs_conv)) attrs in
Ok (x, attrs)
| Error invalid ->
"Invalid argument spec %s. Argument specs should be of the form arg[:k1=v1[,k2=v2]]"
Arg.value (Arg.opt (Arg.list Arg.string) [] info)
let pp fmt (x, attrs) = fmt "%a[:%a]"
Arg.(conv_printer arg_conv) x
Arg.(conv_printer (list ~sep:',' attrs_conv)) attrs
Arg.conv ~docv:"ARG[:key=value[,key=value]]" (conv, pp)

let newly_published_pkgs_term =
let info = [ "n"; "newly-published" ]
~doc:"List of newly published package name + version"
let package_specs_term =
let opam_file_conv =
let conv = Arg.parser_of_kind_of_string ~kind:"opam package spec in the form <name.version>" OpamPackage.of_string_opt in
let pp = Fmt.of_to_string OpamPackage.to_string in
Arg.conv ~docv:"PACKAGE_SPEC" (conv, pp)
let attr_conv =
let parser s =
match split_on_first '=' s with
| Ok ("new", Some b) -> (
match bool_of_string_opt b with
| Some bool -> Ok (`New bool)
| None -> Error (`Msg (b ^ " must be [true] or [false]"))
| Ok ("src", Some dir) -> (
match Sys.is_directory dir with
| true -> Ok (`Src dir)
| false -> Error (`Msg (dir ^ " is not a directory"))
| exception (Sys_error msg) -> Error (`Msg msg))
| _ -> Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "%s is an not a valid attribute. Only [src=<path>] or [new=<true|false>] allowed" s) )
let pp fmt v =
match v with
| `New b -> fmt "new=%b" b
| `Src s -> fmt "src=%s" s
Arg.conv ~docv:"ATTR" (parser, pp)
Arg.value (Arg.opt (Arg.list Arg.string) [] info)

let packages_term =
let create_term changed_pkgs newly_published_pkgs =
if changed_pkgs = [] && newly_published_pkgs = [] then
( false,
"You must provide at least one changed or newly published package." )
else `Ok (changed_pkgs, newly_published_pkgs)
let package_spec_conv = arg_with_optional_attrs_conv opam_file_conv attr_conv
Term.(ret (const create_term $ changed_pkgs_term $ newly_published_pkgs_term))
let info = []
"List of package specifications (format: \
<name.version>[:src=<path>][,new=<true|false>]). If [src] is not \
specified, the sources are downloaded from the source URL. If [new] \
is not specified, it is inferred from the opam repository."
let+ pgk_spec_data = Arg.value (Arg.pos_all package_spec_conv [] info) in
pgk_spec_data |> (fun (pkg, specs) ->
let src = List.find_map (function `Src s -> Some s | _ -> None) specs in
let newly_published = List.find_map (function `New b -> Some b | _ -> None) specs in
{pkg; src; newly_published}

let lint_cmd =
let doc = "Lint the opam repository directory" in
let term =
Term.(const lint $ packages_term $ local_opam_repo_term) |> to_exit_code
Term.(const lint $ package_specs_term $ local_opam_repo_term)
|> to_exit_code
let info = "lint" ~doc ~sdocs:"COMMON OPTIONS" ~exits:Cmd.Exit.defaults
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,12 +360,6 @@ let compiler_conv =
Arg.conv ~docv:"COMPILER" (of_string, pp)

(* [(let+)] is [Term.(const f $ v)] *)
let ( let+ ) t f = Term.(const f $ t)

(* [(and+)] is [Term.(const (fun x y -> (x, y)) $ a $ b)] *)
let ( and+ ) a b = Term.(const (fun x y -> (x, y)) $ a $ b)

let variant =
let+ arch =
let info =
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion opam-ci-check/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -380,7 +380,10 @@ let v ~pkg ?(newly_published = None) ~pkg_src_dir opam =
{ pkg; newly_published; pkg_src_dir; opam }

(** A package is considered newly published if the repository doesn't have any
other versions of the package, other than the current one.*)
other versions of the package, other than the current one.
NOTE: If two versions of a package are published in the same PR, this
inference would fail to detect the package as new.*)
let is_newly_published ~opam_repo_dir pkg =
let pkg_name = OpamPackage.(pkg |> name |> Name.to_string) in
let pkg_str = OpamPackage.to_string pkg in
Expand Down

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