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Releases: offalynne/Input


29 Jan 16:38
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3.2.0pre000 Pre-release

Issues addressed:
#12 #35 #41 - The rebinding API has been totally rebuilt allowing for flexible rebinding of any controls
#22 - Verbs that are defined for the cursor but not as a default binding no longer cause crashes
#34 - Added input_gamepad_get_type() which extracts the controller type from an external CSV file


  • Fixed issues with verb consumption


17 Jan 10:57
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3.1.1pre000 Pre-release

This is a pre-release version of the library. You may encounter bugs and crashes and other stability issues. If you run into any undesirable behaviour please create a new issue with as much detail as possible.


  • Adds input history recording per player. INPUT_HISTORY_LENGTH controls how many events to store at any one time and input_history_*() controls how/when input events are recorded
  • Replaces internal implementation of mouse getter functions with GM's native device_* variants
  • Adds macro (INPUT_MOUSE_MODE) to control what coordinate space to return mouse position in
  • Added three new cursor getters: input_cursor_prev_x() input_cursor_prev_y() input_cursor_moved()
  • Implements a work-around for GMS2.3.1 having a bug in json_parse() that was causing crashes when importing bindings via input_bindings_read()
  • Fixes SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG expecting a file location. Added some error handling for failure to parse external SDL2 strings. External SDL2 string loading is toggled by INPUT_SDL2_ALLOW_EXTERNAL
  • Negative gamepad indices will now "fall through" getter functions and return 0.0 or false as appropriate
  • Added input_default_gamepad_swap_ab() to help with Switch/PS4 porting. This function is not intended to be used during gameplay and should only be used on boot; please use the rebinding system to modify controls during gameplay
  • INPUT_SDL2_GP_SELECT_NAME has been removed. Instead, SDL2's guide and misc1 bindings are now available for use via the gp_guide and gp_misc1 constants. These will default to being inaccessible for consistency for GameMaker's native behaviour. See __input_config() for more information


08 Jan 22:33
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3.1.0pre000 Pre-release

This is a pre-release version of the library. You may encounter bugs and crashes and other stability issues. If you run into any undesirable behaviour please create a new issue with as much detail as possible.


  • Renames functions to input_check_pressed() and input_check_released() by popular request
  • input_async_system_event() is now no longer required
  • Double press detection has been added (input_check_double() etc.). The double press delay is set by the INPUT_DOUBLE_DELAY macro, the time units of which are controlled by INPUT_BUFFERED_REALTIME
  • Verbs can be triggered at will using input_verb_set(). Please note that this will not interact with Input's cursor
  • Input's native remapping service can now be toggled by INPUT_SDL2_REMAPPING (defaults to true)
  • Fixes SDL2 mapping on MacOS
  • Expands blacklists cross-platform
  • Adds ability to overwrite and extend SDL2 definitions using the %SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG% environment variable to point to an SDL2 source file. This behaviour can be toggled with INPUT_SDL2_ALLOW_EXTERNAL. You must allow access outside the sandbox for this feature to work (as a result this feature defaults to false)
  • XInput controllers will now properly discover and use analogue triggers
  • Added input_gamepad_is_axis() to detect if a given button is analogue
  • Rebinding system no longer gets confused when triggers are analogue input
  • input_binding_write() and input_binding_read() now use GM's native JSON serialisation functions. This is hopefully faster as well as, I hope, being more reliable under YYC
  • Fixes input_is_analogue() not handing arrays of inputs properly
  • Adds a bunch of extra debug stuff


26 Oct 23:26
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3.0.0pre004 Pre-release

#29 - Fixes a dumb typo



  • Cursor movement is now more reliable when using dpad controls on a gamepad with thumbstick drift
  • Undoing rebindings that caused a binding conflict will now restore both bindings.

3.0.0 pre-release 003

14 Aug 15:52
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3.0.0 pre-release 003 Pre-release

Merge branch 'master' of

3.0.0 pre-release 002

14 Aug 11:15
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3.0.0 pre-release 002 Pre-release


#13 - Direct gamepad access functions have been added in case people want to use the SDL implementation without the Player and Verb interfaces

#16 - Added input_cursor_follow_camera() a very simple "relative to camera" function

#17 - Added input_check_press_most_recent() to find the most recently activated verb from an array (or all player verbs if all is used)

#18 - All checker functions can now take an array of verbs

3.0.0 pre-release 001

12 Aug 13:22
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3.0.0 pre-release 001 Pre-release


3.0.0 pre-release 000

11 Aug 16:02
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3.0.0 pre-release 000 Pre-release
