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Wrapper for working with the new Tobii Python SDK based on psychopy. Includes functions for essential eye-tracking routines including: calibrating the experimental monitor, finding eye positions, calibration of the eye-tracker, and validation of eye-tracker calibration settings.


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Contains functions for working with with the new Tobii Pro SDK v1.0.1 for Python, along with essential eye-tracking routines, in a TobiiHelper class.

Pretty much everything you need to connect to a Tobii eyetracker, calibrate the eyetracker, get gaze, eye, and time synchronization data from the eyetracker device, and convert the confusing Tobii coordinate systems units to units that are psychopy and interpretation friendly.

If you end up using this code in your work, please cite: DOI

Getting Started


Running tobii_pro_wrapper requires all of the following and their dependencies.

At the time of this writing, Tobii Pro SDK v1.1 has bugs that prevent some eyetracker models from calibrating. Once this is fixed (I'll keep checking), tobii_pro_wrapper will be updated to work with the newer SDK releases. So to download the previous version, use:

pip install tobii_research==  


To download without installing Git, run:

pip install


pip install

Depending on your device security, you may either need to implement ' --user ' after the 'install' command and before the github website, or run your command line program 'as administrator' and then navigate to your user account, or both.

pip install --user

If you already have a working Git installation, run:

pip install git+user

You could also install by downloading the .zip file, and extracting the contents to the site-packages folder of your working Python 2.7 installation.

Package Details

TobiiHelper() class

A class for a wrapper for the Tobii Pro SDK for Python. Contains the following attributes:

        self.eyetracker = None
        self.adaCoordinates = {}
        self.tbCoordinates = {}
        self.calibration = None
        self.tracking = False
        = None
        self.gazeData = {}
        self.syncData = {}
        self.currentOutData = {}

findTracker(serialString = None)

Find and connect to the eyetracker identified by its serial number. If no serial number is given, defaults to connecting to the first eyetracker it can find. Sets the self.eyetracker attribute.


Gets the trackbox and Active Display Area coordinates for the eyetracker found with findTracker. Sets the self.adaCoordinates and self.tbCoordinates attributes.

setMonitor(nameString = None, dimensions = None)

Creates, selects, and calibrates a psychopy.monitor object. You can select a specific monitor with nameString and set its dimensions with dimensions. If no nameString or dimensions are given, it will use the default monitor and that monitors dimensions. Sets the attributes


Connect to the eyetracker and uses the self.gazeData attribute to broadcast all gaze data as a dictionary.


Takes the gaze data dictionary specified by Tobii (self.gazeData), pulls out important values, and converts those values to more readily understood measurements.

Returns a single row (current sample) dictionary with gaze positions, eye positions, pupil size, and eye validities.


Disconnect from the eyetracker and stops broadcasting gaze data.


Connect to the internal clocks of eyetracker and computer devices, and uses the self.sycnData attribute to broadcast internal clock values.


Disconnet from eyetracker and stop broadcasting sync data.

tb2Ada(xyCoor = tuple)

Takes trackbox location coordinates and converts to active display area coordinates. Returns an (x,y) coordinate tuple.

tb2PsychoNorm(xyCoor = tuple)

Takes trackbox location coordinates and converts psychopy window normal units. Returns an (x,y) coordinate tuple.

ada2PsychoWin(xyCoor = tuple)

Takes active display area coordinates and converts psychopy window pixel units. Returns an (x,y) coordinate tuple.

ada2MonPix(xyCoor = tuple)

Takes active display area coordinates and converts to monitor pixel coordinates. Returns an (x,y) coordinate tuple.


Uses broadcasting self.gazeData to return the average (x,y) gaze position of the left and right eyes as a tuple. Gaze position is returned in active display area units.


Uses broadcasting self.gazeData to return the average 3D (x, y, z) physical position of the left and right eyes relative to the eyetracker origin as a tuple. Returns position in mm units.


Uses broadcasting self.gazeData and self.getAvgEyePos() to return average distance of the left and right eyes from the eyetracker origin. Retures position in cm units.


Uses broadcasting self.gazeData to return average pupil size of left and right eyes as a tuple. Returns pupil diameter in mm units.


Uses broadcasting self.gazeData to return the validities of both eyes. Returns integer values of 0, 1, 2, or 3 depending on if no eyes were found, left eye was found, right eye was found, or both eyes are found respectively.

runValidation(pointDict = dict)

Shows real time gaze position and draws several reference points (pointDict is a dictionary with numbered keys and coordinate values for drawing those points) to check calibration quality. If no value for pointDict is given, reference points will be drawn at the standard locations for a 5 point calibration.


Shows real time eye position within in the Tobii eyetracker trackbox. Uses colors and reported eye distance to let the subject know if they are well positioned relative to the tracker.

runFullCalibration(numCalibPoints = int())

Runs a full 5 or 9 point calibration routine as specified by numCalibPoints. If numCalibPoints is not defined, then the default is a 9 point calibration. This full calibration routine includes: finding eye positions within the trackbox, running a calibration, showing calibration accuracy, re-calibrating problem points, checking the quality of the calibration, and saving the calibration to the eyetracker. Requires a working keyboard to control.


To find the eyetracker, determing eyetracker coordinatest, define the experimental monitor, and run a full 5-point calibration routine:

# Import the wrapper
import tobii_pro_wrapper as tpw

# Create a TobiiHelper object
foo = tpw.TobiiHelper()

# Idenfity and define the experimental monitor
foo.setMonitor(nameString = None, dimensions = None)

# Find eyetrackers and connect
foo.findTracker(serialString = None)

# Determine the coordinates for the eyetracker's 
# tracking spaces (trackbox and active display area)

# Run a full 5 point calibration routing
foo.runFullCalibration(numCalibPoints = 5)

To start, output, and stop the eyetracker's collection of gaze data:

# start the eyetracker

# to get real time gaze data, place this command within a "while" loop 
# during each trial run

# stop the eyetracker

That's it!

Further examples will be linked below as they are developed.


To report bugs, contribute changes, ask questions, or request additional functionality, please drop an e-mail to with "CONTRIBUTING to Tobii Wrapper" in the subject line.


Olivia Guayasamin - Initial work and development - oguayasa

Also see additional contributors.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • A big thanks to those who create and maintain Psychopy
  • Inspired by Jan Freyberg's wrapper for the previous Tobii Analytics SDK
  • Quentin Caudron for helping this n00b figure out how to develop Python software.


Wrapper for working with the new Tobii Python SDK based on psychopy. Includes functions for essential eye-tracking routines including: calibrating the experimental monitor, finding eye positions, calibration of the eye-tracker, and validation of eye-tracker calibration settings.







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