diff --git a/_source/_posts/2025-02-28-podcast-season-2.md b/_source/_posts/2025-02-28-podcast-season-2.md
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index 000000000..f2511abfa
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+++ b/_source/_posts/2025-02-28-podcast-season-2.md
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+layout: blog_post
+title: "Integrators Assemble!"
+author: edunham
+by: advocate
+communities: [devops,security,mobile,.net,java,javascript,go,php,python,ruby]
+description: "Meet the hosts and learn what we're planning for you"
+tags: [podcast]
+- ""
+- ""
+- ""
+image: blog/identity-developer-podcast/podcast.jpg
+type: awareness
+The Developer Podcast is back, focusing on all things integrator this season! In this introductory episode, you'll meet the hosts and learn what's in store for the rest of the season. We'll get more hands-on with technical and architectural identity integration topics through the season. 
+{% youtube BrbzKxnjRPo %} 
+More episodes are coming soon, but if you can't wait, check out [last season](/blog/2023/06/08/identity-developer-podcast) for some still-relevant identity insights.