This set of PCBs are designed to use with various projects in the phobos repository. The PCBs are designed to be used with the following items:
The bill of materials is maintained here
It may be out of date so take a look at it carefully.
- In order to use the SDIO peripheral, R27 on the OLIMEX STM32-H405 must be disconnected from from the SDIO_CMD line (EXT1-11). This can be done by cutting the trace connecting EXT1-11 and R27.
- Description for solder jumper switch S3 on silkscreen layer is reversed.
- Description for solder jumper switch S4 on silkscreen layer is reversed.
- SDIO CMD line missing pullup resistor. A 33k resistor can be added at EXT1 connecting pins 5 and 11. The leads must be kept as short as possible to minimize overshoot and ringing.
- +24V mount pad not connected to +24V rail.
- GND mount pad not connected to ground planes.
- The measure line of the Kistler torque sensor cannot be pulled to ground. A fix requires the removal of transistor Q2 and the measure line to be connected to the collector end of transistor Q1. This bypasses and disables switch S1.
- Description for solder jumper switch S2 on silkscreen layer is reversed.
- Silkscreen on J1, J3 incorrect: WIND1 and WIND2 reversed.
- Trace for HALL2_S2 between Ext3 and J3 is completely missing.
- J1, J3 molex pins can not withstand motor windings 1,2,3 current. Motor windings cable must be connected directly to motor dive. Check drawing for new molex types used to rearrange the new connection.
- J1, J2 male molex vertical headers must be changed with right hand angle headers to allow motor drive fit to Ext2 & Ext1. Check drawing file for new headers used to make the rearrangement.
For the steer by wire bicycle project the following changes were made:
18 Voltage regulator switched from LM2576S TO LM2576HV to withstand higher voltage since power supply voltage was switched from 24v to 36v.
Multiplexers 74AC157D were removed since Giel mentioned that there was an issue with the supply voltage. The inputs and outputs pins of the multiplexers were connected with cables. U4 now gives an output of ENC1_CHA+CHB and ENC2_CHA+CHB. Rear wheel encoder must be connected directly to microcontroller. U5 gives the output of PEDAL_ENC_A +ENC_B.