- Welcome!
- Why the project? No Java Developer love building same authentication over and over again.
- Open Source Oliver Spring Engine to the rescue!
- EASY to use - 10 mins and you have user login in place. With blazingly fast h2 memory db for fast PoC (Proof of Concept).
- Then optionally switch to profile prod with MySQL, mvn clean, mvn test, mvn package and deploy, Viola!
- Lets you focus on the money-making business logic.
- Rich optional features. Including User entity, RESTful APIs, beautiful CRUD ag-grid and optional PayPal checkout button.
- Like the Spring Boot slogan - Build any thing! But this time - build it fast and easy!
- Beautiful RESTful ag-grid Integration Seemlessly - Masterial design! High performance! With subtle animation!
- Build anything! - Based On your favourite& popular Spring Boot!
- GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
- Spring Boot v2.1.2.RELEASE, Spring v5.1.4.RELEASE
- jdk1.8.0_201
- Hibernate Core {5.3.7.Final}
- org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL57Dialect
- BootStrap Responsive Design.
- RESTful APIs. Optional Read: ag-Grid 101 — Material Design — RESTful https://link.medium.com/oS0E5fvXbW
- Highest quality TDD tests.
- Efficient Cache.
- Accept payments with PayPal button.
- FormLogin and 3rd party Log in with Google/ Github.
- Reports and Anylytics.
- Crazy handy data grid interaction.
- i18n Localization.
- Scheduling tasks. Optional Read: https://link.medium.com/5KDrJgC14V
- utf8mb4 internationalization! Optional Read: The utf8mb4 magic https://link.medium.com/FZxI5ZoXbW
- Login Audit + Edit Audit.
- Send SMTP gmail.
- Your favourite LomBok Integration!
- @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)
- Cron to cleanup excessive audit data 3 a.m. everyday.
1 rename src/main/resources/*.properties.bak TO *.properties
2 It is EASY to use - simply run the DEV environment - it SIMPLY WORKS! I put in an embedded h2 and tested, so you don't have to!
Just tell Spring to use the JVM options (-Dspring.profiles.active=dev) as shown in the picture.
3 for TEST environment:
- 3.1 Execute in your RDS: create database spring_engine_test CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
- 3.2 Change the following: spring.datasource.username=YOUR_DB_INSTANCE_USERNAME spring.datasource.password=YOUR_DB_INSTANCE_PASSWORD oliver.jpa.properties.hibernate.hostname=YOUR_DB_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME
Optional read of Switching Spring Boot environments Made Easy (dev, prod) - https://link.medium.com/f7LppJ7SbW