Contributions are welcome.
We accept contributions via Pull Requests on Github.
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Commit Title Standard
Please use the following title schema.
- prefix: Title
- update: French Translations
- fix: French Translations
- security fix: French Translations
- remove: French Translations
- add: French Translations
- revert: French Translations
- refactor: French Translations
PR Title Standard
Please use the following title schema.
- (PREFIX) Title
- (Update) French Translations
- (Fix) French Translations
- (Security Fix) French Translations
- (Remove) French Translations
- (Add) French Translations
- (Revert) French Translations
- (Refactor) French Translations
- Check the code style with
$ composer check-style
and fix it with$ composer fix-style
Follow Laravel naming conventions
What | How | Good | Bad |
Controller | singular | ArticleController | |
Route | plural | articles/1 | |
Named route | snake_case with dot notation | users.show_active | |
Model | singular | User | |
hasOne or belongsTo relationship | singular | articleComment | |
All other relationships | plural | articleComments | |
Table | plural | article_comments | |
Pivot table | singular model names in alphabetical order | article_user | |
Table column | snake_case without model name | meta_title | |
Foreign key | singular model name with _id suffix | article_id | |
Primary key | - | id | |
Migration | - | 2017_01_01_000000_create_articles_table | |
Method | camelCase | getAll | |
Method in resource controller | table | store | |
Method in test class | camelCase | testGuestCannotSeeArticle | |
Variable | camelCase | $articlesWithAuthor | |
Collection | descriptive, plural | $activeUsers = User::active()->get() | |
Object | descriptive, singular | $activeUser = User::active()->first() | |
Config and language files index | snake_case | articles_enabled | |
View | snake_case | show_filtered.blade.php | |
Config | snake_case | google_calendar.php | |
Contract (interface) | adjective or noun | Authenticatable | |
Trait | adjective | Notifiable |
Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the
and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date. -
Create feature branches - Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.
Use Laravel helpers when possible and not facades - auth(), info(), cache(), response(), ext. Laravel Helpers
Use shortened syntax when possible - Example:
and notarray()
Happy coding!