Work remote or join our team @ the lovely Istanbul. For the full list click here
Full Stack Developer - JavaScript (Meteor & React)- Back-End Developer - Node.js
- Front-End Developer
- Software test Engineer
- WordPress Developer
- Intern Software Developer
System Analyst (ERP)
We are using Moleculer, Docker, Elasticsearch, ELK Stack, Elastic APM, Jest, Kubernetes, Selenium, Ghost Inspector, Redis, NATs, RabbitMQ and maybe some other stuff check
- General interview: Exploring your skills and answering your questions about Knawat.
- Technical assignment (optional): Validating skills, it is optional if you can share some previous code with us.
- Technical Assignment & Live coding interview: Discussing the previous assignment and do some code together.
- Culture Fit Interview: Interview with someone from our higher management level preparing to get an offer.