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Laravel SQL Reporter

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This module allows you to log SQL queries to log file in Laravel framework. It's useful mainly when developing your application to verify whether your queries are valid and to make sure your application doesn't run too many or too slow database queries.

You may also use this in production as it should not cause a lot of overhead. Logged queries can be limited by query pattern, and logging only occurs at the end of each request or artisan command execution, not per query execution.

It reports a lot of metadata like total query count, total execution time, origin (request URL/console command), authenticated user, app environment, client browser agent / IP / hostname.


  1. Run

    $ composer require onlime/laravel-sql-reporter --dev

    in console to install this module (Notice --dev flag - it's recommended to use this package only for development).

    Laravel uses package auto-discovery, and it will automatically load this service provider, so you don't need to add anything into the providers section of config/app.php.

  2. Run the following in your console to publish the default configuration file:

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Onlime\LaravelSqlReporter\Providers\ServiceProvider"

    By default, you should not edit published file because all the settings are loaded from .env file by default.

  3. In your .env file add the following entries:

    SQL_REPORTER_QUERIES_REPORT_PATTERN='/^(?!select\s|start transaction|commit|(insert into|update|delete from) `(sessions|jobs|bans|logins)`).*/i'
    SQL_REPORTER_FORMAT_ENTRY_FORMAT="-- Query [query_nr] [[query_time]]\\n[query]"

    and adjust values to your needs. You can skip variables for which you want to use default values.

    To only log DML / modifying queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, but not logging any updates on last_visit or remember_token, I recommend to use:


    If you have also .env.example it's recommended to add those entries also in .env.example file just to make sure everyone knows about those env variables. Be aware that SQL_REPORTER_DIRECTORY is directory inside storage directory.

    To find out more about those setting please take a look at Configuration file

  4. Make sure directory specified in .env file exists in storage path, and you have valid permissions to create and modify files in this directory (If it does not exist this package will automatically create it when needed, but it's recommended to create it manually with valid file permissions)

  5. Make sure on live server you will set logging SQL queries to false in your .env file: SQL_REPORTER_QUERIES_ENABLED=false. This package is recommended to be used only for development to not impact production application performance.


GeoIP support

For optional GeoIP support (adding country information to client IP in log headers), you may install stevebauman/location in your project:

$ composer require stevebauman/location
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Stevebauman\Location\LocationServiceProvider"

It will be auto-detected, no configuration needed for this. If you wish to use a different driver than the default IpApi, e.g. MaxMind make sure you correctly configure it according to the docs: Available Drivers

QueryLogWritten event

This package fires a QueryLogWritten event after the log file has been written. You may use this event to further debug or analyze the logged queries in your application. The queries are filtered by the SQL_REPORTER_QUERIES_REPORT_PATTERN setting, which comes with a sensible default to exclude SELECT queries and some default tables like sessions, jobs, bans, logins. If you don't want to filter any queries, you may leave this setting empty.

In addition to the pattern, you may also configure a callback to define your own custom filtering logic, for example, in your AppServiceProvider:

use Onlime\LaravelSqlReporter\SqlQuery;
use Onlime\LaravelSqlReporter\Writer;

Writer::shouldReportQuery(function (SqlQuery $query) {
    // Only include queries in the `QueryLogWritten` event that took longer than 100ms
    return $query->time > 100;

With the SqlQuery object, you have access to both $rawQuery and the (unprepared) $query/$bindings. The filter possibilities by providing a callback to Writer::shouldReportQuery() are endless!


Checkout project and run tests:

$ git clone
$ cd laravel-sql-reporter
$ composer install

# run both Feature and Unit tests
$ vendor/bin/pest
# run unit tests with coverage report
$ vendor/bin/pest --coverage


How does this package differ from mnabialek/laravel-sql-logger ?

This package was inspired by mnabialek/laravel-sql-logger and basically does the same thing: Logging your SQL queries. Here's the difference:

  • Query logging is not triggered upon each query execution but instead at a final step, using RequestHandled and CommandFinished events.
  • This allows us to include much more information about the whole query executions like total query count, total execution time, and very detailed header information like origin (request URL/console command), authenticated user, app environment, client browser agent / IP / hostname.
  • This package is greatly simplified and only provides support for Laravel 10+ / PHP 8.2+
  • It uses the Laravel built-in query logging (DB::enableQueryLog()) which logs all queries in memory, which should perform much better than writing every single query to the log file.
  • By default, onlime/laravel-sql-reporter produces much nicer log output, especially since we only write header information before the first query.

Sample log output:

-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Datetime: 2024-03-11 09:33:22
-- Origin:   (request) GET http://localhost:8000/demo
-- Status:   Executed 3 queries in 1.85ms
-- User:
-- Guard:    web
-- Env:      local
-- Agent:    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0
-- Ip:
-- Host:     localhost
-- Referer:
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Query 1 [1.45ms]
select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1;
-- Query 3 [0.4ms]
update `users` set `last_visit` = '2021-05-28 15:24:46' where `id` = 1;

In comparison, sample log output of mnabialek/laravel-sql-logger:

/* Origin (request): GET http://localhost:8000/mail/api/user
   Query 1 - 2021-05-20 21:00:08 [1.4ms] */
select * from `users` where `id` = 1 limit 1;
/* Origin (request): GET http://localhost:8000/mail/api/user
   Query 2 - 2021-05-20 21:00:08 [4.72ms] */
update `users` set `last_visit` = '2021-05-20 21:00:08' where `id` = 1;


Author of this awesome package is Philip Iezzi (Onlime GmbH).

Large parts of this package were ported from the original mnabialek/laravel-sql-logger. Credits go to Marcin Nabiałek. Please star his great package on GitHub! You may use composer thanks for this.


All changes are listed in CHANGELOG


  • If your application crashes, this package will not log any queries, as logging is only triggered at the end of the request cycle. As alternative, you could use mnabialek/laravel-sql-logger which triggers sql logging on each query execution.
  • It's currently not possible to log slow queries into a separate logfile. I wanted to keep that package simple.


  • Improve unit testing to reach 100% coverage
  • Integrate and add test coverage status badge to README
  • Add browser type information to log headers, maybe using hisorange/browser-detect


This package is licenced under the MIT license however support is more than welcome.


Log SQL queries in Laravel framework







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