The OCM-K8S-Toolkit is a set of kubernetes custom resources and corresponding controllers that enable continuous deployment based on Open Component Model (OCM) components.
TLDR; Based on open flux, the composition of 3 custom resources and their corresponding controllers - OCMRepository, Component, and Resource - serve as a flux source (similiar to git repositories, oci repositories, s3 buckets, and helm), enabling OCM as a flux source system.
Thus, the OCM-K8S-Toolkit enables the continuous deployment of plain manifests, kustomize overlays and helm charts stored in OCM components (so essentially, OCMOps).
Disclaimer: This is a preliminary documentation to get a first glance at the ideas and principles behind the ocm-k8s-toolkit. Consequently, it is subject to significant change and might not always be uptodate. Furthermore, the examples used in the explanation are currently just to make the topic more tangible - they do not actually exist and are not suited to follow along.
The core of the OCM-K8S-Toolkit is composed by the 3 aforementioned custom resources and their controllers - OCMRepository, Component, and Resource.
Together, this composition serves as a flux source.
As the basis for the following explanations, we assume that we stored the ocm components constructed by the ocm constructor shown below within an ocm repository (based on an oci registry) at
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
- name:
version: "6.1.3-rc.1"
- componentName:
name: oci-component-reference
version: "6.1.3-rc.1"
- name:
version: "6.1.3-rc.1"
- name: oci-image
version: "6.1.3-rc.1"
type: ociArtifact
type: ociArtifact
The OCMRepository is a custom resource containing an access description to an ocm repository.
The purpose of the OCMRepository
and the corresponding ocm repository
controller is to validate the described repositorySpec
Besides syntactical correctness of the spec itself, this validation also includes a kind of health check. The health check itself is implemented in ocm and depends on the type of repository.
kind: OCMRepository
namespace: default
name: ocm-repo
type: OCIRegistry
- name: ocm-secret
- name: ocm-config
configSet: standard
interval: 10m
suspend: false
The repositorySpec
(required) has to contain a valid ocm repository spec.
Here, it is for a repository of type
But theoretically, it could also be for a
CommonTransportFormat Archive
or any other ocm repository implementation.
NOTE: The other fields are common to all the custom resources and are therefore explained in a separate dedicated common fields section below.
The Component is a custom resource specifying an ocm component to be watched.
The purpose of the Component
and the corresponding component controller is
to check a OCMRepository
for the latest (relevant) version of a particular
kind: Component
namespace: default
name: ocm-comp
namespace: default
name: ocm-repo
downgradePolicy: Deny
semver: ">= 6.1.x-0"
semverFilter: ".*-rc.*"
- signature: ocm
name: ocm-pk-secret
- name: ocm-secret
- name: ocm-config
configSet: standard
interval: 10m
suspend: false
The repositoryRef
(required) references an OCMRepository
and thereby
specifies where to look for the component
The component
(required) specifies the name of the component.
The downgradePolicy
(optional) specifies whether the component may be
downgraded. The property is an enum with the 3 states: Enforce
, Allow
, with Deny
being the default.
In general, ocm components may specify their
downgradability through a label named
. The value of the label has to be a
semver constraint.
With respect to that, the Allow
value means that the downgradability is
respected as specified by the component version author. Thus, if the label
is not set, downgrade is not possible. If the label specifies a semver
constraint, the currently applied component version is validated against this
constraint. If this validation succeeds (so, downgrade from the currently
applied version is possible), the component will be downgraded.
The Deny
value means that regardless of the downgradability set by the
component version author, downgrade is not possible.
The Enforce
value means that regardless of the downgarability set by the
component version author, downgrade is possible. This setting should be
used with caution!
The semver
(optional) specifies a version constraint for the components to be
fetched in form of a semver range.
NOTE: This is similiar to the
property that can be specified for the tags of oci repositories in flux.
The semverFilter
(optional) specifies a regular expression that is applied to
component versions fetched from a OCMRepository
. Only versions that match
the filter are considered for the semver
range resolution.
NOTE: This is similiar to the
property that can be specified for the tags of oci repositories in flux.
The verify
(optional) enables the verification of component
The field consists of 3 subfields:
, to specify the component signature (in the potential list of component signatures on the ocm component) to be verified.secretRef
, to specify the secret containing the public key or the certificate in PEM format to be used for the verification.value
, to specify the public key or the certificate in PEM/base64 format to be used for the verification.
The "inline" specification of the public key or the certificate through
is an alternative to the secretRef
- thus, these 2 properties are
mutually exclusive.
NOTE: The other fields are common to all the custom resources and are therefore explained in a separate dedicated common fields section below.
The Resource is a custom resource specifying an ocm resource to be watched.
The purpose of the Resource
and the corresponding resource controller is
to expose a resource contained in an ocm component at a specific version as an artifact.
kind: Resource
namespace: default
name: ocm-resource
namespace: default
name: ocm-comp
name: oci-image
- name: oci-component-reference
- name: ocm-secret
- name: ocm-config
configSet: standard
interval: 10min
suspend: false
The componentRef
(required) references an Component
and thereby
specifies where to look for the resource
The resourceSelector
(required) is a
relative artifact reference.
A relative artifact reference
consists of a list of component reference identities specified in the
subfield and a resource identity specified in the resource
subfield (both, the artifact identity
and the component reference identities are referred to as
element identities
in the ocm specification).
Thereby, the list of component reference identities - the reference path -
specifies a path with the referenced component as the root. The resource
identity then specifies the particular resource within the component
specified through the reference path. This is analogous to a file system path,
with the component references as the directories and the resource as the
For details about the internals of the resource resolution and verification, see here
NOTE: The other fields are common to all the custom resources and are therefore explained in a separate dedicated common fields section below.
The secretRefs
(optional) may reference one or multiple secrets that may
contain credentials (currently in the
format or in the
ocm credential format)
or other
ocm configs.
The configRefs
(optional) may reference one or multiple configmaps that may
contain ocm configs.
NOTE: Generally, you would want configuration data to be readable. But since ocm configuration data might contain sensitive credentials, we offer the possibility to specify ocm configs in configmaps as well as in secrets. Soon, we will also support to reference secrets within an ocm config as a convenient solution for this kind of situation.
The configSet
(optional) is an ocm concept which allows to specify multiple
sets of configurations
(for example, a set called test
with ocm configurations for testing and
another set called development
with alternative ocm configurations for
The interval
(required) is a common property for flux custom resources as
documented here.
In general, it specifies the time interval in which the custom
resource is reconciled again. So thereby, in case of the Component
resource, e.g. the time interval in which the component controller checks the
repository for newer versions of the corresponding ocm component. Meanwhile,
it also serves as a drift detection.
But it is important to notice, this interval is also used as the retry
interval for some particular failure cases. In case of the Component
resource, e.g. if the component controller fails to find the ocm component
in the specified ocm repository, it will wait for the duration specified in
the interval
until it will try again. Therefore, setting the interval quite
high can lead to unexpected behaviour in regard to recovery time.
The suspend
(optional) is a common property for flux custom resources as
documented here.
It suspends the reconciliation.
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Copyright 2025 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and ocm-k8s-toolkit contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.