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ADAMU MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD edited this page May 1, 2023 · 1 revision


Introduction to the community and its mission News and updates about the community Links to social media and other community resources

About Us

Information about the community's history, goals, and values Profiles of community leaders and contributors Testimonials from community members


Resources for learning about open source technology, including tutorials and online courses Community-led workshops and events Opportunities to connect with other learners and experts


Information about open source projects and opportunities to contribute to them Guidelines and resources for contributing to open source projects Success stories from community members who have made meaningful contributions


Discussion forums and chat channels for community members to connect and collaborate Meetup and event listings for local open source communities Opportunities to get involved in community-led initiatives and working groups

Tech Community Partners

Information about partner organizations that support the open source learners community Opportunities for collaboration and cross-promotion Success stories from community members who have partnered with other organizations


Information about organizations that sponsor the open source learners community Opportunities for sponsorship and support Recognition of sponsors and their contributions to the community


List of projects developed by community teams and productions Descriptions of each project and its goals Information about how to contribute to each project


Links to relevant open source organizations and projects Tools and software for open source development and collaboration Documentation and guides for contributing to open source projects

Contact Us

Information on how to contact the community leaders and contributors Frequently asked questions Feedback and suggestions form

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