+ import {
+ useCallback, useEffect, useReducer, useState,
+} from 'react';
+import { SELECTED_THEME_VARIANT_KEY } from '../../constants';
+import { logError } from '../../../logging';
+import { paragonThemeActions, paragonThemeReducer } from '../../reducers';
+import { isEmptyObject } from './utils';
+import useParagonThemeCore from './useParagonThemeCore';
+import useParagonThemeUrls from './useParagonThemeUrls';
+import useParagonThemeVariants from './useParagonThemeVariants';
+* Finds the default theme variant from the given theme variants object. If no default theme exists, the light theme
+* variant is returned as a fallback.
+* It prioritizes:
+* 1. A persisted theme variant from localStorage.
+* 2. A system preference (`prefers-color-scheme`).
+* 3. The configured default theme variant.
+* @param {Object.<string, ParagonThemeVariant>|undefined} themeVariants - An object where the keys are theme variant
+* names (e.g., "light", "dark") and the values are objects containing URLs for theme CSS files.
+* @param {Object} [options.themeVariantDefaults={}] - An object containing default theme variant preferences.
+* @returns {Object|undefined} The default theme variant, or `undefined` if no valid theme variant is found.
+export const getDefaultThemeVariant = ({ themeVariants, themeVariantDefaults = {} }) => {
+ if (!themeVariants) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const themeVariantKeys = Object.keys(themeVariants);
+ // If there is only one theme variant, return it since it's the only one that may be used.
+ if (themeVariantKeys.length === 1) {
+ const themeVariantKey = themeVariantKeys[0];
+ return {
+ name: themeVariantKey,
+ metadata: themeVariants[themeVariantKey],
+ };
+ }
+ // Prioritize persisted localStorage theme variant preference.
+ const persistedSelectedParagonThemeVariant = localStorage.getItem(SELECTED_THEME_VARIANT_KEY);
+ if (persistedSelectedParagonThemeVariant && themeVariants[persistedSelectedParagonThemeVariant]) {
+ return {
+ name: persistedSelectedParagonThemeVariant,
+ metadata: themeVariants[persistedSelectedParagonThemeVariant],
+ };
+ }
+ // Then, detect system preference via `prefers-color-scheme` media query and use
+ // the default dark theme variant, if one exists.
+ const hasDarkSystemPreference = !!window.matchMedia?.('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')?.matches;
+ const defaultDarkThemeVariant = themeVariantDefaults.dark;
+ const darkThemeVariantMetadata = themeVariants[defaultDarkThemeVariant];
+ if (hasDarkSystemPreference && defaultDarkThemeVariant && darkThemeVariantMetadata) {
+ return {
+ name: defaultDarkThemeVariant,
+ metadata: darkThemeVariantMetadata,
+ };
+ }
+ const defaultLightThemeVariant = themeVariantDefaults.light;
+ const lightThemeVariantMetadata = themeVariants[defaultLightThemeVariant];
+ // Handle edge case where the default light theme variant is not configured or provided.
+ if (!defaultLightThemeVariant || !lightThemeVariantMetadata) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, fallback to using the default light theme variant as configured.
+ return {
+ name: defaultLightThemeVariant,
+ metadata: lightThemeVariantMetadata,
+ };
+ * A custom React hook that manages the application's theme state and injects the appropriate CSS for the theme core
+ * and theme variants (e.g., light and dark modes) into the HTML document. It handles dynamically loading the theme
+ * CSS based on the current theme variant, and ensures that the theme variant's CSS is preloaded for runtime theme
+ * switching.This is done using "alternate" stylesheets. That is, the browser will download the CSS for the
+ * non-current theme variants with a lower priority than the current one.
+ *
+ * The hook also responds to system theme preference changes (e.g., via the `prefers-color-scheme` media query),
+ * and can automatically switch the theme based on the system's dark mode or light mode preference.
+ *
+ * @memberof module:React
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} - An array containing:
+ * 1. An object representing the current theme state.
+ * 2. A dispatch function to mutate the app theme state (e.g., change the theme variant).
+ *
+ * * @example
+ * const [themeState, dispatch] = useParagonTheme();
+ * console.log(themeState.isThemeLoaded); // true when the theme has been successfully loaded.
+ *
+ * // Dispatch an action to change the theme variant
+ * dispatch(paragonThemeActions.setParagonThemeVariant('dark'));
+ */
+const useParagonTheme = () => {
+ const paragonThemeUrls = useParagonThemeUrls();
+ const {
+ core: themeCore,
+ defaults: themeVariantDefaults,
+ variants: themeVariants,
+ } = paragonThemeUrls || {};
+ const initialParagonThemeState = {
+ isThemeLoaded: false,
+ themeVariant: getDefaultThemeVariant({ themeVariants, themeVariantDefaults })?.name,
+ };
+ const [themeState, dispatch] = useReducer(paragonThemeReducer, initialParagonThemeState);
+ const [isCoreThemeLoaded, setIsCoreThemeLoaded] = useState(false);
+ const onLoadThemeCore = useCallback(() => {
+ setIsCoreThemeLoaded(true);
+ }, []);
+ const [hasLoadedThemeVariants, setHasLoadedThemeVariants] = useState(false);
+ const onLoadThemeVariants = useCallback(() => {
+ setHasLoadedThemeVariants(true);
+ }, []);
+ // load the core theme CSS
+ useParagonThemeCore({
+ themeCore,
+ onComplete: onLoadThemeCore,
+ });
+ // respond to system preference changes with regard to `prefers-color-scheme: dark`.
+ const handleDarkModeSystemPreferenceChange = useCallback((prefersDarkMode) => {
+ // Ignore system preference change if the theme variant is already set in localStorage.
+ if (localStorage.getItem(SELECTED_THEME_VARIANT_KEY)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (prefersDarkMode && themeVariantDefaults?.dark) {
+ dispatch(paragonThemeActions.setParagonThemeVariant(themeVariantDefaults.dark));
+ } else if (!prefersDarkMode && themeVariantDefaults?.light) {
+ dispatch(paragonThemeActions.setParagonThemeVariant(themeVariantDefaults.light));
+ } else {
+ logError(`Could not set theme variant based on system preference (prefers dark mode: ${prefersDarkMode})`, themeVariantDefaults, themeVariants);
+ }
+ }, [themeVariantDefaults, themeVariants]);
+ // load the theme variant(s) CSS
+ useParagonThemeVariants({
+ themeVariants,
+ onComplete: onLoadThemeVariants,
+ currentThemeVariant: themeState.themeVariant,
+ onDarkModeSystemPreferenceChange: handleDarkModeSystemPreferenceChange,
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // theme is already loaded, do nothing
+ if (themeState.isThemeLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const hasThemeConfig = (themeCore?.urls && !isEmptyObject(themeVariants));
+ if (!hasThemeConfig) {
+ // no theme URLs to load, set loading to false.
+ dispatch(paragonThemeActions.setParagonThemeLoaded(true));
+ }
+ // Return early if neither the core theme CSS nor any theme variant CSS is loaded.
+ if (!isCoreThemeLoaded || !hasLoadedThemeVariants) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // All application theme URLs are loaded
+ dispatch(paragonThemeActions.setParagonThemeLoaded(true));
+ }, [
+ themeState.isThemeLoaded,
+ isCoreThemeLoaded,
+ hasLoadedThemeVariants,
+ themeCore?.urls,
+ themeVariants,
+ ]);
+ return [themeState, dispatch];
+export default useParagonTheme;