Deployment uses dokku
and requires the environment variables defined in dotenv-sample
It is deployed to our dokku3
On dokku3, as the dokku
dokku$ dokku apps:create opencodelists
dokku$ dokku domains:add opencodelists
dokku$ mkdir /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists
dokku$ chown dokku:dokku /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists
# If we have an existing db to load in
dokku$ cp ./opencodelists-db.sqlite3 /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists/db.sqlite3
dokku$ chown dokku:dokku /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists/*
dokku$ dokku storage:mount opencodelists /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists/:/storage
# set environment variables
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists IN_PRODUCTION=True
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists BASE_URLS=''
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists DATABASE_URL='sqlite:////storage/db.sqlite3'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists DATABASE_DIR='/storage'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists SECRET_KEY='xxx'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists SENTRY_DSN=''
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists OTEL_EXPORTER_OLTP_ENDPOINT=''
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS='x-honeycomb-team=VALIDKEY1234,x-honeycomb-dataset=opencodelists'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists OTEL_SERVICE_NAME='opencodelists'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="opencodelists.settings"
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists EMAIL_BACKEND='anymail.backends.mailgun.EmailBackend'
dokku$ dokku config:set opencodelists MAILGUN_API_KEY='xxx'
Dokku does most of the nginx configuration for us, however specific config can be updated
with the nginx:set
To allow uploads of CSV files that are larger than the default allowed by nginx, run:
dokku$ dokku nginx:set opencodelists client-max-body-size 20m
Restart the app to regenerate the nginx config:
dokku$ dokku ps:restart opencodelists
View nginx config:
dokku$ dokku nginx:show-config opencodelists
Backups are defined as cron jobs in app.json, and managed by dokku
Check cron tasks:
dokku$ dokku cron:list opencodelists
Backups are saved to /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/opencodelists/backup
on dokku3.
Merges to the main
branch will trigger an auto-deploy via GitHub actions.
Note this deploys by building the prod docker image (see docker/docker-compose.yaml
) and using the dokku git:from-image command.
To deploy manually:
# build prod image locally
just docker-build prod
# tag image and push
docker tag opencodelists
docker push
# get the SHA for the latest image
SHA=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}'
On dokku3, as the dokku
dokku$ dokku git:from-image opencodelists <SHA>
Requires the sentry-webhook
and letsencrypt
# Check plugins installed:
dokku$ dokku plugin:list
# enable letsencrypt (must be run as root)
root$ dokku config:set --no-restart opencodelists DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<e-mail>
root$ dokku letsencrypt:enable opencodelists
# turn on/off HTTP auth (also requires restarting the app)
dokku$ dokku http-auth:on opencodelists <user> <password>
dokku$ dokku http-auth:off opencodelists
When updating a mapping you can copy the mapping file(s) to dokku via scp
You should probably test that you can import it in a local development
environment first to ensure that there are no issues with it. By convention, we
place the mapping files to be imported in
/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/mappings/bnfdmd which is mapped within the
container to /storage/mappings/bnfdmd.
We use a mixture of dokku-managed (see Backups ) and self-managedcron jobs.
For the latter, these are configured via a cronfile
in deploy/bin/
which should be copied to /etc/cron.d/
as sudo
All cron jobs (both dokku- and self-managed) call functions from
to enable
Sentry cron job monitoring. The contents of deploy/bin
should be copied to
(outside container)
or /storage/deploy/bin
(within container) to support this.
This sentry monitoring requires that the SENTRY_DSN environment variable is set (see above)