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Open Multilaterals

Visualization showing how countries perform in getting contracts from multilateral organizations.


Docker Compose


  • Clone or download this project from GitHub:
  • Copy docker/docker-compose.yml.example to docker/docker-compose.yml and edit it
    • Fill in a password at <DB_PASSWORD>
  • Copy to and edit it
    • Create a SECRET_KEY as per the instructions in the file
    • Fill in the same <DB_PASSWORD> as used in docker/docker-compose.yml
    • Specify email related information in order for the application to send emails
  • Production
    • Make sure to extract the latest MySQL backup in docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d if you want to import it: gunzip latest-mysqldump-daily.sql.gz
    • cd docker
    • sudo docker-compose up -d
    • Compile the assets, see the section below
    • Set up backups
      • Copy docker/ to docker/ and edit it
        • Fill in the same <DB_PASSWORD> as used in docker/docker-compose.yml
      • To run manually use sudo ./
      • To set a daily cronjob at 03:46
        • sudo crontab -e and add the following line (change the path below to your multilateral-organisations/docker directory path)
        • 46 3 * * * (cd <PATH_TO_multilateral-organisations/docker> && sudo ./
      • The resulting SQL backup files are saved in docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
  • Development; Flask debug will be turned on which automatically reloads any changes made to Flask files so you don't have to restart the whole application manually
    • Make sure to extract the latest MySQL backup in docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d if you want to import it: gunzip latest-mysqldump-daily.sql.gz
    • cd docker
    • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
    • Compile the assets, see the section below
    • Retrieve the IP address of the nginx container docker inspect mlo_nginx_1 and add it to your hosts file /etc/hosts: <IP_address>
  • Useful commands
    • Remove and rebuild everything (this also removes the MySQL volume containing all records (this is required if you want to load the .sql files from docker/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d again))
      • Production: docker-compose down --rmi all && docker volume rm mlo_mlo-mysql-volume && docker-compose up -d
      • Development: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml down --rmi all && docker volume rm mlo_mlo-mysql-volume && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
    • Reload Nginx: sudo docker exec mlo_nginx_1 nginx -s reload
    • Reload uWSGI (only for production as development environment doesn't use uWSGI and automatically reloads changes): sudo touch uwsgi-touch-reload

Compile assets

All the following commands have to be run in the mlo_nodejs_1 container, so first enter it using:

  • sudo docker exec -it mlo_nodejs_1 bash

Run the following commands once after a new install:

  • npm install -g gulp bower
  • npm install
  • bower install --allow-root

To compile the assets:

  • gulp

To automatically compile the assets in development on any file changes (always run gulp first to compile any changes up till now):

  • gulp watch


To access the CLI of the app run sudo docker exec -it mlo_app_1 bash and run flask. Here are the CLI commands to load all data into the database (this might take some minutes):

  • flask mlo load-records --csv-file files/NATO.csv
  • flask mlo load-records --csv-file files/UN.csv
  • flask mlo load-records --csv-file files/World_Bank_major_contract_awards.csv
  • flask mlo load-records --csv-file files/World_Bank_corporate_procurement_contract_awards.csv

To enter the MySQL database

  • sudo docker exec -it mlo_mysql_1 bash
  • mysql -p
  • Retrieve database password from docker/docker-compose.yml and enter it in the prompt

Update the data

  • See the data folder for instructions on how to update the datasets