Increases concurrency to 12
Increases concurrency to 12
Changes data used to calculate hash and checks if documents are chang…
Changes data used to calculate hash and checks if documents are chang…
Adds checking if error is retryable
Adds checking if error is retryable
Changes details of error handling
Changes details of error handling
Adds handling of requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects for TextEnricher
Adds handling of requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects for TextEnricher
Improves handling of 0 or multiple main documents for Notubiz agenda …
Improves handling of 0 or multiple main documents for Notubiz agenda …
Improves logging and sets max number of retries to 6
Improves logging and sets max number of retries to 6
Increases Celery concurrency to 10
Increases Celery concurrency to 10
Improves logging of messages by reindex script
Improves logging of messages by reindex script
Makes executable
Makes executable
Changes sentry environment, temporarily
Changes sentry environment, temporarily
Adds setting created_at and updated_at when creating and updating Sto…
Adds setting created_at and updated_at when creating and updating Sto…
Force push
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Force push
Adds another way of determining report name
Adds another way of determining report name
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Force push
Fixes Unable to determine title field for most cases
Fixes Unable to determine title field for most cases
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Force push
Increases read timeout after failure for overijssel
Increases read timeout after failure for overijssel
Adds information about accessing Flower
Adds information about accessing Flower
Adds specific instructions for importing in development
Adds specific instructions for importing in development
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Changes location of pymupdf4llm to OpenState repository
Adds script to process all files in a directory
Adds script to process all files in a directory
Removes check on start_date for iBabs reports
Removes check on start_date for iBabs reports
Changes ocr_used to a string containing the version
Changes ocr_used to a string containing the version
Force push
Adds support for more wrong Parlaeus links
Adds support for more wrong Parlaeus links