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Fawn rubiefawn

United States

AlTheOne AlTheOne
Backend Engineer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


椰萝Yerosius Yerosius

Yerosius Inc. 中国大陆


@pi-ware, @snorain, @homers-bot-devs, @Griphitor

Ahmed Aziz mscaz
trying to learn...

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Ovins OvinsXu
Krzysztof Dobrzyński Sejoslaw
Senior Software Engineer | Investor on Warsaw Stock Exchange | ChromeOS / BSD / Linux | C# / C / Python | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods

Warsaw, Poland

Romain D'HAESE / Romain PCR59320 / Roman O'Cry rdh59320
Not a computer scientist at all, just an autodidact tinkerer who is trying to demonstrate you can choose Linux today as a friendly and accessible alternative !

PCR59320 Haubourdin

Samuel Steele Cryptoc1

@ESCd the internet

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.
Seohyun Joo adan89lion

Seoul, Republic of Korea

甘城ノア AmashiroNoah

Abydos High School SCHALE Office, Kivotos

Giovanni Squillace Corvus-JSDev
Data Analysis

United States of America

Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them) reillypascal
Composer, electronic musician, and educator // Music tech lecturer at SUNY Geneseo // I like noise, code, electronics, and nostalgia

Rochester, NY

Jonathan David Moore jonathanlyonmoore
46, UVa Alumni in Computer Science, ACM Vice President, Patent Licensee, Windows Internals Certified, MSFT SI & Gold Partner and INTJ-T. Former MSDN Blogger

Microsoft 365 Partner Johnson City, TN

lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Lưu Cao Hoàng lcaohoanq
Expect the Not Expected

Ho Chi Minh City

Jefte Keller JefteKeller
Full Stack Dev | HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), React, Node.js, Python (Django, Flask) and SQL.
Andrew Larson Andrew-J-Larson
Motivation to program can be hard sometimes, trying to figure out my own way around that, eventually...

Portland, OR

CodClever CodClever
A person having enough time to write a Bio. Technically the greatest joke in the entire planet.

Totally the CEO of X THE BASEMENT

Feen clawfur
Just a coffee-addict fur on the internet. Hot Sauce Connoisseur, Nonsense Expert
Nathan Kidd n-at-han-k
CTO @ Trade Portal

Yorkshire, United Kingdom