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JP Johnston MSME CSWP RogueRocketeer
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | L2 Rocketeer | TRA #21009 | NAR #111636 | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | ME | CWSP | US Army Ranger

Vector Engineering, LLC Woodburn, IN

REZ Enze1996
Study and enjoy this world... My Bilibili is :


Mackenzie Andershock Mandershock
Aspiring Mechanical Engineer at CSULB

California State University, Long Beach

Bonnie White Bonniellhwhite
Software engineer with 3+ years of industry experience and multiple successful projects within embedded systems, full-stack development, and Machine Learning.

California State University Long Beach

Mark Carson MarkCarsonDev
A computer science new grad with 12 years experience in a technology that's existed for 3. <br> Strongly motivated to help people, animals, and the planet.

CSU Long Beach Long Beach, CA

Christian Brodersen CBrodersen65
US Army veteran and current aerospace-engineering student at California State University Long Beach.

Long Beach

Troy Wilson troymw2001
CSULB 2024, Aerospace Engineering (Astronautical) BLT Chief Engineer
Jonic Mecija jonicmecija
Software Engineer

Northrop Grumman Los Angeles, CA

Nick Fan nfan17
Computer Science major at CSU Long Beach. Interested in embedded systems and aerospace electronics.

California State University, Long Beach Arcadia/Long Beach, CA

Jaime Ormeno Shmurda7
Modeling and Control System Enthusiast | Undergrad Aerospace Student (CSULB) |
Lam Khuu AstornAsunder
Aerospace Major @ CSULB with interests in GUI application, control theory, rocket engine design, and embedded/flight software
Sacred testmaster19
Thien Ly - RocketLabs? - SpaceX? - Nvidia?

Orange County

Derick Bui DerickBui
Computer Science Student of CSULB


Dan Morgan dcm628
Personal github for aspiring flight software engineer.