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Neha Pathak neha2801-create
Software Engineer @Purdue | ML & Trading Systems Enthusiast | Python, React, AWS
nick-palmer nicholos-palmer
just sharing my projects and development - both self and career.


Meghana Kotcherlakota megkotch09
Computer Science @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Dongze Li ldgze

@EnCiv San Francisco

DevOps - Innovate for Vegas Foundation DevOps-InnovateForVegas
This is an admin account for overseeing our organization, its members and projects here on GitHub.

Innovate for Vegas Foundation Las Vegas, NV, US

Dan Hugo DanHugoDanHugo
Civic Volunteer 24 hours each day at @InnovateForVegas , then I work at night…

ReallyCool Technologies, LLC Las Vegas, NV

Akshay Singh akshaysinghCW
Data Science | Illinois Tech.


Dylan Fang zilinfg
CSE Junior at University of Washington

Seattle, WA

Kevin Triplett KevinTriplett
Been around a while and done a lot of stuff, I have.

Equinox Institute Austin, Texas

Steven Taylor Cornwall taylorcornwall766
Passionate about building, creating and learning all things programming and software related.

Oklahoma, United States

Joseph Huynh jhuynh85
Coder. Gamer. Photographer.

University of California - San Diego San Diego, CA

Andy Luo GreenRabite
Corgi Lover <3

@latticehr San Francisco, CA

Eric Halsey ehalsey
Started programming on Commodore 64. Love learning new things and solving business problems using technology.
Guangyao (Dave) Li Dave-Guangyao-Li
UC, Berkeley Alumni MEng of IEOR, BEng of Software Engineering. Area of Interest: Full Stack Web development & GenAI & Applied Data Science and Engineering

San Francisco, CA

Antonio! antoni-ooo
coding and good times

San Diego

Andy Williams andycwilliams
MERN and Java developer who plays the cello. Who could ask for anything more?
Oli Treadwell (he/him) olitreadwell
Software Engineer

Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

Andrew Robida arobida
🚀 Tech enthusiast, designer & problem solver 🎖️ Marine Corps Vet 🛠️ Innovating with creativity and courage 🎨 Blending aesthetics with tech

Freelance San Diego

sheilamae sheilamae-ablay
sociologist and data analyst
Róbert Viðar Bjarnason rbjarnason

Citizens Foundation Iceland