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张宇亮 zyllifeworld

IGDB beijing

Celestine OldRodger
👨🏽‍💻Software Developer who ❤️ spending time Buildling and Learning

Greater London United Kingdom

Bakir Bakirr

the francis crick institute

Nathan J. Day nthndy
postdoc studying single-cell heterogeneity of Tuberculosis infection using timelapse microscopy, deep learning image analysis and Bayesian multi-object tracking

The Francis Crick Institute London

Alexandru-Nicolae Popescu AlexNiko47

The Francis Crick Institute London

Virginia Silio VirSicas
Molecular and cell biologist, expert in cell division. Passionate about light microscopy.

University College London

Ruth Legesse Ruth399
Second-year biochemistry student. Interested in bioinformatics, biostatistics and molecular biology.

University of Manchester United Kingdom

C Grieco griecoc24

Francis Crick Institute

Andy Gao JinhuiGao-Andy

UCL London, UK

A work in progmess

London, UK

Sara Patti spatts14
PhD candidate at Imperial College London interested in immunology and bioinformatics

Imperial College London London, UK

Eschal eschalnajmi

The Francis Crick Institute

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Georgia gwhittonx
Bioinformatician at The Crick working in the Cancer Dynamics Lab. Previously Genomic Data Scientist at MalariaGEN, Wellcome Sanger Institute

The Francis Crick Institute Cambridge

Gwyd James owengwydionjames
Postdoc in @ulelab, UK DRI @ King's College London

UK Dementia Research Institute at King's College London

Anastasia Brativnyk anastbr

Francis Crick Institute