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Maksymilian Tym skill3472
Hobby C#/C++ gamedev, cybersecurity enthusiast, I just do stuff that's fun.

Junior IT Specialist @ DSV Warsaw, Poland

Khaled khaledxyz
Full-Stack Developer.


Maria Evellyn da silva EveeSilvaa
🎓 Analysis and Systems development student 👩‍💻 Aspiring Full-Stack Developer 🚀
HK hk8607
Android and home automation enthusiast.

Effingham, S.C.

Skylar Gray physprop
IT support person, alum of FRC 2940/5495, enjoyer of coffee

Seattle, WA

Ethan Mahlke hawwwwwk

Student @ Sierra College Sacramento, California

Frazer Rose SirenGlitch
I code as a side hobby, when I can, I do.
Filip Luśnia FilipLusnia
Frontend developer


Rodentata RetroRodent

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Michael Wilke flamespinner
Alumni, and Mentor of Team 3926 MPAror Robotics; Owner of Wilke Repair. Database Analyst, game developer

Wilke Repair Maplewood MN

Artur Vitório Ribeiro Sampaio ArturVRSampaio
The Cake is A Lie

@techstaycharlie São carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

lee colleton leecolleton
I'm a privacy and ethics enthusiast.

Pacific Northwest

Lydia madebylydia
TypeScript 'n Python developer. Idea maker, project builder. Also a student in networking.


Cameron M cadomac
UX Developer | Design Technologist
Teremun teremunart
^ Professional Idiot ^

Teremun In your walls!

Ng1091 ng1091

Shenzhen, China

Cartaxus Commander Spectre CartaxusSpectre
I understand those others see as evil........thats why I can find them so easily.
David Sangrey Rixxan
Computer Security Analyst - @HullSeals Administrator - @EDCD Developer - Video Game Enthusiast

@HullSeals Beagle Point

Rik Overveld rik079
Developer @HullSeals

@HullSeals Rotterdam, The Netherlands