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Diego Alejandro Heredia Franco DiegoHerediaF
I am a dedicated physicist and educator with a strong foundation in complexity science and network theory. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Physics.
Jerry Song jerrysong0128

Nankai University Beijing

Nicolas Graves nicolas-graves
Less is more. Interesting stuff happens on, the hacker's and environmental activists' forge.
Tomke Honkomp tomkeH
Forest sector modeller | Forest-based climate mitigation | Wood products markets

Thünen-Institute of Forestry Germany

Ruben Prütz rubenpruetz
PhD student focusing on carbon dioxide removal
Zhengyang Liu aspiringgo

Nanyang Technological University

Jonathan Doelman jonathandoelman
Global environmental change modeller with a focus on land use and climate change

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Amsterdam, Netherlands

Zeeshan Zeeshan-Virk
WEF Nexus Researcher

University of Oulu Oulu

Amelia Pruiett amelia-pruiett
👋 Hi, I’m @amelia-pruiett 👀 I’m interested in ecology and evolution 🌱 I’m currently working on tropical plant herbivore interactions


zhang zezhou zhangzezhoudatong

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Wellington Wagner Ferreira Sarmento wwagner33
As a professor in Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará). Me. in Teleinformatics Engeneering.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Hao Zhou woshihaozi123

LUND University SWEDEN

laowang wangdata
Doctor in plant physiology

Chinese Science Academy Nanjing city in China

Abdulrasheed Isah AbdulrasheedIsah
I am an economist with interests in energy policy, climate finance, and applied econometrics.


Ko-Chia Yu kochiayu

National Taipei University

Matthew Gidden gidden

IIASA Laxenburg, Vienna

Fei guofei2016

IIASA Austria

Vassilis Daioglou VassilisDaioglou

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Swaroop Atnoorkar Swara-96

@NREL Golden, CO

R.U. Gobithaasan gob1thaasan
mathematics of shape...
Felicitas Beier FelicitasBeier
PhD student at Humboldt University, Berlin & Junior Researcher at PIK & Contributor to @magpiemodel and @pik-piam

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Potsdam, Germany

Jude E. judejeh
Mathematical Optimization; Operations Research; MILP; Python


PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Pascal Führlich pfuehrlich-pik
new account due to name change: @pascal-sauer


mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth