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Madalitso Simbeye madlabs-ally
Hi there, I'm Madlabs

MeloSpot Zambia

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Tapuwa Mapfumo tapuwa-mapfumo
Basically the CEO of code
Raymond Kemboi Kemboiray
Full-stack software developer
vikram Vkperfect
I am a B. Tech computer science engineering student, going to graduate in the year 2024.


Hillary Nyakundi HillaryNyakundi
Code & Design

Software Engineer Nairobi/Kenya

Nitin Nitin1406
UIET, Kurukshetra (2020 - 2024) Full Stack Developer specializing in MERN stack. Passionate about building robust web applications. 📫 Let's connect !

Lupleg Panipat, Haryana

Lupleg Developers Lupleg-dev
Root @Lupleg and @cs60apa working on Edu platforms

Lupleg Lusaka

Arushi Joshi arushijoshi123
Full Stack Developer Student at UIET - Kurukshetra University Btech -CSE II SIH'2022 Winner🏆 Member @ Ecell-UIET II NCC CADET
Mark Sikaundi marksikaundi
The Indie Hacker

@Lupleg Zambia