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Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

Harris Kristanto mrkristanto
Systems integration specialist working with @Azure and @OfficialBoomi.

Auckland, New Zealand

おじき | 隅っこエンジニア | Hideaki Takahashi hedaytkhs
My dream is to run programming and IoT experience classes for children and seniors by using M5Stack, Ras Pi, and Azure cloud services

Nagoya, Japan

Santhosh Kumar santhoshk1407
Integration Developer (Boomi)
Geek interested in Middleware, Analytics and Security. Working at @workato, previously worked for @OfficialBoomi, @mulesoft, @open-amdocs & @TIBCOSoftware

@workato Singapore

Grant Hairston AnAnonymousTree
EDI Administrator, Business Analyst Enrolled in the Back End Coding program with Promineo Tech
Omer Sen omerfsen
DevOps and DevSecOps

Serra Consultancy Services Ltd London

Anna annanazik

Eleks Lviv, Ukraine

Ayan Kumar Pan ayanpan
Integration Architect | Boomi | SQL | Workato | Celigo | Kong | Informatica PowerCenter

@purestorage India