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Luthfi Wira Wicaksana Luthfiwira327
geophysics engineering students at ITB
TfeiSeis tengfeideng

TU Freiberg Germany

Zhiyu Zhang erbiaoger

JiLin University China JiLin

Yangjun (Kevin) Liu yjliu212
Learning, Sharing, Researching, Communicating, with a goal to solve rock physics mysteries and geoscience puzzles. Got ideas? Contact me at:


Ismail Halim Faruqi ihfaruqi

University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas

Jiefang Song Jiefangsong
PHD student - China University of mining and technology. Email:

China University of mining and technology china

Ch_song Chsongcumt

China university of mining and technology China

Tolulope Agbaje Teequazeem
I'm a computational geoscientist with a specific interest in working with subsurface datasets.

University of Texas at Austin Austin TX, United States.

benthomas benthvmas

Stealth Startup London, UK

Dr. Joshua Pwavodi Pwavodi
Senior Research Engineer | Petrophysicist at BRGM 🌏 Editorial Board Member @ Petroleum Geoscience 🔷 Geophysicist 🟢 AI & Machine Learning 🟢 Python Enthusiast

BRGM - French Geological Survey France

Befriko Murdianto befriko
Geoscientist at Pertamina. Formerly with @ChevronETC and @Schlumberger.
Shreya Kanakiya skanakiya

University of Houston

Zhaoqingwei zhaoqwei
geophysicser,coder。 Keep It Simple,Stupid。 Don't BB,show code。

School of Geophysics, Chengdu University of Technology (CDUT) chengdu

Roi Mallo rmallof
Low level app sec. Quantitative analysis.


Xiaobo.Foo XiaoboFu
A student of Geophysics from Chengdu University of Technology.
Chaoshun chaoshunh
AI fans to apply machine learning, deep learning, NLP, meta learning and deep reinforcement learning for subsurface challenges.

Houston, TX

Zhuofan zhuofan97
pursuing for PhD in KFUPM

Saudi Arabia

Zhang Shuo zhangxiaoshuotttt
I am interested in full FWI and deep learning.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Jeddah

Haipeng Li Haipeng-ustc
I'm a Ph.D. student in Geophysics at Stanford University.

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA

Yuanzhiyiqing nicexin24
Geophysic and rockphysics

Tongji University Shanghai,China