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Michael Pritchard mik-p
Mechatronics Systems Engineer - Robotics as a focus with all the code in between. Full-stack development - Embedded to Cloud.

University of Canberra Australia

Sifat Moonjerin sifatMoonjerin
I walk to think

SELISE rockin' software Dhaka, Bangladesh

Si_Yuan siyuan652
Likes to invent and try out new stuff
HiberCodes HiberCodes
I am a new Hiber member but I will try to do my best and make you all proud follow my Hiber world account @Kyle_Conners
Yuki Ikeda Yuki-Ikeda0810
JAXA R&D and SpaceData Inc. (Second Job) ← Soka Univ. 47th / Intelligent Robotics / Space Robotics / RoboCup / Team SOBITS ex-leader

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Satish Gaurav deepsatflow
pathemata mathemata

@eatmadi Bengaluru, India

Hinata Kaga (samon) kakuteki
Robot engineer & AI engineer(image recognition)

CIT(chiba institute of technology) , RT Company, Summer lnc Tsudanuma,Chiba

Sim Jiahao Jiahao9

@TeamSOBITS 創価大学

Jardel Dyonisio jardeldyonisio
Automation Engineer with a passion for robotics. Robotics Engineer @butia-bots and Navigation Developer @lognav4-0

@butia-bots and @lognav4-0 Rio Grande - RS

森尾 真唯 cmaren 東京都八王子市丹木町1-236

Daiki Murakami DaikiMin
engineering / robotics / SOBITS
Keith Valentin MrKeith99

@TeamSOBITS 創価大学