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Igor Agapie iagapie
Software Engineer 👨🏻‍💻

VI, Veneto, Italy

Alfy AMaleche

Nairobi, Kenya

CS Degree, Full Stack-DevOps, Red Team, Reverser-Pentester.
Sanam Gautam sanamgautam

Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Dmitry dimkagithub
Will code for food


alvandkoohi alvandkoohi
Co-Founder & CEO @ Segalino | Scrum Master, Product Manager, CTO

@segalsoft segalino

Sajitha Wattage sajithawattage
Senior Software Engineer | .NET | Azure | AWS | ReactJs | NodeJs | Micro-services

Explipro Group AB Sweden

Halim Can Ocaklı halimocakli
devops guy

@AmadeusITGroup Turkey

Hexzilla Hexzilla
Python, AWS SAM, Lambda, RDS, DynamoDB, Java, SpringBoot, Smart Contract, Solidity, Rust, Javascript, Typescript, React, NextJS, Angular, NodeJS, Express
Selman Şahin selmansahin

@HayenTechnology İstanbul

Jimbo cnjimbo

pfi New York

Quang Liem liemqv
All roads lead to Rome.

Hanoi - Viet Nam

Randy Ammar randyammar
I am a Software Engineer and Technical expert with over 10 years of experience in designing and building distributed solutions.
Andrey Artiomov aartiomov

VirtoCommerce Vilnius

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Konstantin Kisilevskiy omnidark
DevOps Engineer

VirtoCommerce Vilnius

Daniel Pasturchak pasturchak

Falco Sistemas Nova Friburgo

Mauricio Naranjo maujavier91
Electronics engineer with passion for software engineering and technology.
Dan danh91
Creator of @karrioapi. Software Developer. Faith Driven. Love technology innovations for positive impact.

@karrioapi Canada

Mücahit imre mucahitimre
A perpetual apprentice trying to become a software craftsman.


Roberto Ramírez friaga
Software Engineer with 20+ years of experience building software and ERP solutions. Founder, innovator, and trusted advisor across multiple industries.

ERPXtender Monterrey, México

Pedro Vasconcelos pedronvasconcelos
Software Engineer - Java/Kotlin and .NET Core =)

CI&T Belo Horizonte