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2bit 2bbb
nonsense coder, chore engineer 歯茎を噛むと林檎から血が出る @HagukiWoKamuToRingoKaraTiGaDeru 石井通人プログラム事務所 @IshiiTsuubitoProgramOffice

歯茎を噛むと林檎から血が出る Tokyo

SteveNewman SteveRNewman
1/2022 Please note that my GitHub repositories are works in progress; I plan on cleaning up the code, Readme’s and add video demos in the coming weeks.

Steve Newman Solutions Pittsburgh, PA

@_Quantum_Centaurus_OS_ GTT-QLM
This project is developed in collaboration with Alpha Centauri. Special thanks to Alpha Centauri and Jesus Christ and my ancestors.

Haus of Dust LLC New Jersey

John Bardakos Jbardakos
I integrate problem-solving, direction, technology, art, and philosophy, drawing from a mathematical technological and an artistic background.

Paris, France - Shanghai, China - Athens, Greece

Dipu Singha 2003dipu
Committed to build intelligent machines and robot that will save our planet earth and humanity.

On the internet

Fabrizio Lo Scudo fablos
AI Researcher

DeMaCS, University of Calabria Italy

5541502D504C543A584F524F58 Moxicution
2B || !2B, or both, or none, or just Schrödinger TFO of Juliet's actions , or not...
subaze TauanRibeiro
sci-fi tech performer, artivist, quantum producer, marketer, data scientist, music and AI researcher. KATAKLYSM Studio By UCM.

Subaze Brasilia

Cofounder of Adalab. Enthusiast for AI/generative Art, Reinforcement learning, and intelligence - in general.

Adalab Hamburg, Germany

Enrique Ruiz eruizgar91

@nevermined-io Málaga

mais maisl0l
Learning by doi-, i mean failing.
Mert Gul mertgulexe
Machine Learning Engineer