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Roy Haolin Du Roy-Haolin-Du
PhD student @michellab developing alchemical free energy calculations for Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery.

The University of Edinburgh

Chen-Hsuan Huang renan991995

National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Suhaib Shekfeh shekfeh
Medicinal chemistry/Computational chemistry/Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics
ZhangLiChuan ErikZhang-9762
Drug design and Deep learning.
Sidney Elmer sidneypaulymer
computational chemist

San Leandro, CA

Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Pavan Behara pavankum
Proj. Scientist at UCI Center for Neurotherapeutics/@MobleyLab. Former postdoc @openforcefield / @MobleyLab. Former @dupuislab member.


Chris Jones chrisjonesBSU
Using molecular dynamics to study polymer physics. Working towards my Material Science PhD at Boise State University. Member of @cmelab and @mosdef-hub

Boise State University Boise, ID

A PhD student learning to do (and having fun with) MD simulation.
Sadra mirsadra
Web3 Indie Dev | Pharmaceutical Scientist

Indie Dev

Gabe Gomes gabegomes
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University with the @gomesgroup | Departments of Chemistry + ChemEng
PALLAV SENGUPTA pallavsen007
PhD Student at IIT Guwahati

IIT Guwahati

Yuyang Zhang meneshail

Tsinghua University Beijing

Zane Beckwith zanebeckwith
i want to be instamatic, i want to be a frozen pea

@sandbox-quantum Durham, NC

Lin Min Htoo linminhtoo
ML Lead @ Biotech Startup. Combining Domain Knowledge and AI to make the world better. Ex-MIT (USA). Ex-NTU (SG).

QDX Singapore

SallyS. shiyx409

University College London, SoP Shanghai, China