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xiaomao Feng hongmaoxiao
coding makes me happy


Mimi Shahzad mimishahzad
Mount Holyoke College Biological Science | Computer Science

Providence, RI

Paul Crane pcrane
Computer scientist who enjoys teaching and working alongside others with different skill-sets. Most of all, likes rising to a technical challenge.

@diffblue Oxford, UK

Software Engineer Java| PHP|Springboot

KPLC Nairobi, Kenya

Oscar Barrios srbarrios
QE Architect

@SUSE @openSUSE @uyuni-project Spain

Ark Sol Jedi McRoyJedi
Cosmic Tree Rainbow Laser
Robert (Jamie) Munro rjmunro
Senior web developer. Formerly at @diffblue, @whiteoctober and @Focusrite-Novation

@diffblue / @staldates Oxford, UK

Mustafa Faisal MFaisalZaki
PhD Student, Diverse Planning

Uni of St Andrews

Ramneet Singh Ramneet-Singh
Senior Undergraduate @ CSE IIT Delhi. My research interests include Programming Languages and Machine Learning.

New Delhi, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

mocenigo mocenigo
Father, Composer, Mathematician, Cryptologist. Former architect at ARM. Designed QARMA. Chaotic good. Notorious craic killer.

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Lee Man lee-man
Hardware formal verification. 真正自主研发硬件形式化验证工具


Raushan Kumar Gupta raushan3737
Exploring the world of software engineering...


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Leonardo Montecchi montex
Associate Professor at NTNU. Researching on Model-Driven Engineering techniques, applied to the development and verification of resilient systems.

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

krhill82 krhill82
embedded software developer

Plano, TX, US

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Thiago Henrique Morais Regueira thiagoregueira
Olá! Sou um eterno estudante do universo da tecnologia, apaixonado pelo mundo dos dados e desenvolvimento web utilizando Python e Java como ferramentas.

DBC company Recife, PE

Rabia Yurdakul rabiayurdakul
Hi. I'm Rabia. I owner of Eleia Tech. I'm a Software Engineer. I like to share the codes I wrote with you.

Eleia Tech London

Dmitrii Podlesnykh DmitriiPodlesnykh
Software Engineer with experience in the banking, telecommunication, health care industries.

Luxoft London, UK

Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse