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๐ฃ ๐ ๐ Developers: Optimize Your Widgets DOM for Better Performance
type/developer-apiIndicates when a topic is related to the Developer API and Documentation. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. announcementUsed for general announcements. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Icon List Widget: Allow for links within inline list items
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Issue on latest Elementor 3.26.3 update
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
๐ โ Keep swiper.min.js in lib/swiper
component/swiperReferences any instance of the Swiper.js dependency. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. request/integrationIndicates a Request for Integration with a 3rd-party plugin, theme, software, or service. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. compatibility/integrationIndicates a compatibility problem with one of Elementorโs official integrations. -
๐ โ Auto Preload fonts & images in Elementor (performance)
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. type/performanceIndicates when a topic is related to Performance. control/group/typographyReferences the Typography group settings control. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. widget/imageReferences the Image widget. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. document/assetsReferences any asset (CSS, JS) generated for any document - Posts, Pages, Popups, Templates, etc. solved-by/lazy-load-bg-imgsIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by the Lazy Load Background Images feature integration/google-fontsReferences the integration with Google Fonts. component/lazy-load-bg-imagesReferences the Lazy Load Background Images experimental feature. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Floating menu, floating buttons with option to pin then to bar (left, bottom, right).
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ HEADER DOES NOT SHOW UP
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ CloudFlare Turnstile for Elementor Forms
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Show the Preview (viewport) Dimensions fields in the Editor Top Bar
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. type/ui-uxIndicates when a topic is related to the User Interface (UI), or User Experience (UX). editorReferences the Elementor Editor and all its components. type/workflowIndicates when a topic is related to the User Experience (UX) Workflow. editor/top-barReferences the Elementor Editor Top Bar and its components. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Add an Option to Start Tabs in a Collapsed State
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Full Width Page Support for Generate Press Theme
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Button Settings: Scroll to Page Anchor and Close Off-Canvas Simultaneously
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Extend Source Options for Loop Grid and Loop Carousel Widgets
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. product/proIndicates if the referenced component is part of the Elementor Pro plugin. component/swiperReferences any instance of the Swiper.js dependency. solved-by/nestedIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using a Nested Element. widget/loop-builderReferences the Loop Grid (Pro) widget and any related components. widget/loop-builder/carouselReferences the Loop Carousel (Pro) nested widget. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Enhanced Widget Management with Container Wrapping in Structure Panel
status/awaiting_triageIndicates when an Issue, Pull Request, or Discussion awaits to be triaged. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Make Icon List Widget Layout Responsive
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ A call to the Elementor dev team
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Widgets with repeater fields in them lag when there are many items in the repeater.
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
You must be logged in to vote ๐ Add solar date format to Elementor forms
requestIndicates a non-validated Feature Request. -
๐ โ ๐ Ability to set spacing for pagination in loop carousel widget
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. product/proIndicates if the referenced component is part of the Elementor Pro plugin. component/swiperReferences any instance of the Swiper.js dependency. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. type/stylesIndicates when a topic is related to the styles or design of a component. type/layoutIndicates when a topic is related to a componentโs Layout. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. widget/loop-builder/carouselReferences the Loop Carousel (Pro) nested widget. widget/loop-builder/paginationReferences the Pagination features of the Loop Grid (Pro) widget. widget/settingsReferences any widgetโs settings. duplicateIndicates when an Issue or a Discussion is a duplicate of another Issue or Discussion. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. -
๐ โ Posts Widget - Text Hover
product/proIndicates if the referenced component is part of the Elementor Pro plugin. widget/posts*References the (legacy) Posts (Pro) widget. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. type/stylesIndicates when a topic is related to the styles or design of a component. solved-by/loop-builderIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using Elementor Proโs Loop Builder. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. mod/c*[Temp.] For internal use only. mod/s*[Temp.] For internal use only. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. -
๐ โ โฟ Add Keyboard navigation and Pagination Styles to the Image Carousel
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. component/swiperReferences any instance of the Swiper.js dependency. type/accessibilityIndicates when a topic is related to Accessibility. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. type/stylesIndicates when a topic is related to the styles or design of a component. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. widget/image-carousel*References the (legacy) Image Carousel widget. widget/settingsReferences any widgetโs settings. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. -
๐ โ Replace select control with choose control for Align Content control in container widget
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. element/containerReferences the Flexbox Container element. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. widget/settingsReferences any widgetโs settings. control/selectReferences the Select settings control. control/group/flex-containerReferences the Flexbox Container group settings control. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. control/chooseReferences the Choose settings control. -
๐ โ Display widget settings conditionally.
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. type/ui-uxIndicates when a topic is related to the User Interface (UI), or User Experience (UX). status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. widget/settingsReferences any widgetโs settings. release/3.20[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.20. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. -
๐ โ ๐ Modal Popup Widgets (Duplicate of #7106)
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. product/proIndicates if the referenced component is part of the Elementor Pro plugin. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. popupsReferences any component related to Elementor Proโs Popups feature. type/dynamic-contentIndicates when a topic is related to Dynamic Content. solved-by/loop-builderIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using Elementor Proโs Loop Builder. solved-by/nestedIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using a Nested Element. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. duplicateIndicates when an Issue or a Discussion is a duplicate of another Issue or Discussion. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19. -
๐ โ ๐ Popup with dynamic content (Duplicate of #7106)
request/enhancementIndicates an Enhancement Request for an existing feature. product/proIndicates if the referenced component is part of the Elementor Pro plugin. status/mergedIndicates when a Pull Request has been merged to a Release. popupsReferences any component related to Elementor Proโs Popups feature. type/dynamic-contentIndicates when a topic is related to Dynamic Content. solved-by/loop-builderIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using Elementor Proโs Loop Builder. solved-by/nestedIndicates that an Issue or Feature Request will be solved by using a Nested Element. solvedIndicates that an Issue has been Solved, or a Feature Request has been Released. mod*[Temp.] For internal use only. duplicateIndicates when an Issue or a Discussion is a duplicate of another Issue or Discussion. release/3.26[Temp.] References Issues or Discussions related to Elementor and Elementor Pro version v3.19.