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Tianqi Wei chitianqilin
Robot learning inspired by computational neuroscience.

The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK

Markus William Pleijzier markuspleijzier
PhD student at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, previously at Drosophila Connectomics Group, Zoology Department, University of Cambridge

Jefferis Lab, Neurobiology Division, MRC LMB Cambridge, UK

Hang Haotian haotianh9
Student in Mechanical engineering at USC

University of Southern California Los Angeles

Alex Fan alexfanqi


Joymutlu alexdoublesmile
Immortality is out there in these digits
atongsa atongsa
languages shape the way we think
Ivo Ros flivo
postdoc in the Dickinson lab

Caltech Pasadena, CA

Hao Zhai JackieZhai
Ph.D. Student, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research interests include Computer Vision and Connectomics.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China

Tyler R. Sizemore tsizemo2
postdoc fiddling around with insect brains

Yale University not Kansas

Marta Costa mmc46

@flyconnectome Cambridge, UK

Sintez Sinrez
system analyst, beginer solution architect, beginer python developer and data scientist