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Larry Lewis bigblackcoder
Im working on it....
Sammy Z ScrummySammy
Bachelor of Commerce Graduate; Majored in Information Systems & Marketing 😎 Support Engineer II


Danesh Code DaneshCode
Junior front-end developer


Florin Lacatus AlfazetOperations

Alfazet Operations Amsterdam

Suwarna Pyakurel suwarna-wave
Undergrad Engineer.


LEE ZONG HAN zhlee1997
Believe in open source

Kuala Lumpur

Ravindar singh CodeWithRavindra
👋 Hi! I’m Ravindar Singh, a BTech CSE student at Lovely Professional University. 💻 Passionate about coding, problem-solving, and exploring new technologies.


Arnav Saini Silkey114
I am learning to code
Miguel Fernandes miguelrfernandes
MSc in Biomedical Engineering at IST

Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal

El-Hadji Boubacar TRAORE luxdemacia
Apprentice in Systems Architecture, Networks.