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Akshatha M Baddi 07-Akshatha
Data Analyst


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Juan Diaz JuanPabloDiaz
Passionate front-end developer seeking professional growth opportunities.

North Carolina

Amos Kinuthia Amoskinuthia
Full-stack Engineer


Rose Wabere Rozieroz
🚀 Aspiring Developer | Security & Data Enthusiast 💻 Python, React, JavaScript, SQL, Web Scraping 📊 Power BI & Data Analytics 🔐 Cybersecurity etc
Jamie Bond jbondAI

Navigating Grey Charlotte NC

Len Chingakham TakiyaL
👨‍💻 AI/ML Enthusiast | Software Developer | Data Explorer | Data Analyst


Marco Guimarães Jr. guimmaraes
Data Analyst & Data Science Student ...a longlife learner.

Nanolitika Data Science Curitiba, PR

Sunnatullo Fazliev sunnatullofazliev
biophysical chemist by day, data scientist by night ;)
Kelrimy kelrimy
Just a beginner student learning how to use GitHub

Fortaleza- CE

KISHAN KUMAR S Kishankumar1328
Harnessing Algorithms, Crafting Intelligence | Architect of Learning Machines Shaping Tomorrow's Innovations


Christoph ChristophHu

@nxt-codes Berlin, DE

Hirun Rattananimit hirunrnm
📁 E-commerce operations and data enthusiast. Experienced in managing marketplace operations, analyzing data with Excel, SQL, and Python.

Bangkok, Thailand

Tashfia Akan tashfia-shoron
Passionate about Data Analytics, Economics, and Education.

California, USA

Mrunal Waykos mkos11
I remember I was here not because the way in front of me, but the way behind me. There is no such thing as - I can't, as long as I want to.

Freelancer Pune, India

Yago Gomez YagoGomez83
Estudiante de Lic. Informática - Analista Universitario en Sistemas de Computación. Soy un amante de la tecnología, me encantan los desafíos.

IGE 4.0 San Luis