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Eduardo França edo9k
#IT #Lit #Lang & a bunch of other channels. Currently working with Javascript, Python and Postgres. Previous projects with PHP, MySQL, ActionScript and C#.

@IBM Serra, Brazil

Adam McCullough TheWizardTower
Software Engineer with a systems background, passionate about Functional Programming, correctness, reliability, espresso, and shitposting.

Software Engineer up to No Good Mars

Alex Strand ajstrand
software engineer. interested in design systems.
haruki7049 haruki7049
I can not speak English well


Alf Richter h2000

iba Consulting Gesellschaft Germany/Leipzig

Yahia Essam YEZaki2000
On a software engineering journey exploring application architecture and mobile development.
Publiminal publiminal
Full Stack Web Developer


Alexander Myasoedov msoedov
Software Engineer, FP and Machine learning enthusiast. LLM/Retrieval/RAG/Scalability
marvintowett mktowett

NearField Solutions Nairobi,Kenya

Software Architect


Naboth Nyagoko EagleSniperdv
Software Engineer - Data Analyst- Javascript - python- full stack web development and data science with machine learning

DonTech Innovation Solutions Kenya

Haskell | NixOS

Tbilisi, Georgia

O.T. oleksify
Web Designer & Software Developer. Enthusiast Photographer & Musician.
Kyle Behrens jtzero
Ce n'est pas grave

cleveland, oh

David Baynard dbaynard
Biotechnology PhD.

Fore Stun Ltd

Kim Lima kimlimalima
Sistemas de Informação - (UFPA)

Belém - Pará - Brazil

Ben Mazzarol bmazzarol

Perth Western Australia

Nick Noble nickisnoble

@miniware Brooklyn, NY

justanotherinternetguy justanotherinternetguy
cs/linux/linguistics/aviation XY8S Z GAMMA

Brian Dawn brian-dawn


Lee Jae-yeol malkoG
supa dupa kodingwarrior
Romain Ruetschi romac
Rust • Scala • Haskell — Formal Methods • FP • Type Theory • Distributed Systems

@informalsystems Lausanne, Switzerland

Gabriel Théron GabeAtWork

@Spendesk Toulouse, France

Hercules Merscher bitmaybewise
Coding for a living and for fun :)

@gitlabhq Berlin, Germany

Matheus Grego MatheusGrego
Software Engineer.


Rashad Gover rashadg1030

Los Angeles, California

Clemens Schmid nevrome
Computational archaeologist

MPI EVA Leipzig (Germany)

Kaizhao Zhang zhangkaizhao
To be a computer hacker.


rafael r. camargo rafaelrcamargo
i make computers do things. swe @clerk & hobbyist open-source developer


Yoichiro Hasebe yohasebe

Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan