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xinagyi haoliang50
An electromechanical engineer , love program, because feel it so intresting

China ZhengZhou

Hermann Lira HermannLira
Odoo. Python. Git / Github
Toumi toumi-hichem

Algeria, Alger

Amilton Bandeira amiltonbandeira
Sou estudante de Engenharia Informática e apaixonado por tecnologia em todas as suas formas. Minha missão é clara: evoluir sempre, sem limites.

Luanda , Angola

Nicolas ZeroDotNet
C#, JS, SQL and DevOps lone ranger.

@hawkant Buenos Aires, Argentina

Kendall Gomez Molina KGM16

Kendall's Corporation My home

Paul Dada paul-data-ai

London, UK



Giovanny Palacios T. GiovannyPalaciosT
Desarrollando proyectos desde Lima, Perú.


Siddhant Chilke sEZIOs
I am a full-stack Php developer with four years of experience. I create custom Websites for eCommerce, Business, Portfolio, Blog and etc.
Nathan Fletcher nathanfletcher
Shenanigans with @jeffgodwyll @TechLoftGh and currently doing research with @CTED

KeteCode Accra

Matthew matty-drexler
Hobbyist, businessman, engineer, and other things!


Miguel migueelss
21 | Happily Married | Full-stack Developer with a love for clean code, simplicity, and impactful projects.

Refresh Bubbles - Serviços de Informática, Lda Porto, Portugal

João Sereia josereia
Eternal technology lover!

SoftYes TI Joinville

MLTechnology zhao365845726

ShanXi Mili Information Technology Co., Ltd

Rishabh Nirmalkar iamrishabhnirmalkar

Bitwise Builder Raipur, Chhattisgarh