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Kim Persson kimpers

@phantom Zurich, Switzerland

nature loves to hide

@firstbatchxyz Istanbul

dcbuilder.eth dcbuild3r
Interested in ZK, AI/ML, Ethereum, L2 scaling, infrastructure, mathematics, and cool research papers.

Vitalik's masternode Ethereum

zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol

QEDProtocol ShenZhen

ZeroKPunk ZeroKPunk
zkp Engineer building AA service
Daniil Pankov T-Damer
WEB3 fullstack dev 📒

SELF Serbia

Alex Kubica 🇮🇱 alexkubica
Full stack dev.

@merklebase Israel

Marti mmagician
Marcin, really, but you can call me Marti

Hungry Cats Studio Switzerland

Sam Richards samajammin
Code, product, ops @ethereum & @privacy-scaling-explorations. Always under construction, thank you for your patience 🏗️

@ethereum Layer 2



menera meneramandarin
professional musical chairs player.
Gavin Zheng gavinzheng
Enthusiastic in BlockChain Technology. Full stack developer in Solidity programming, IPFS, ZKP, MPC,NFT, Rust, substrate, Quantitative Finance.白话区块链作者

Toronto, Canada

Iskander 0xisk


Amir Bahador PMA365
👨‍💻 Computer Science Student , Developing sth great from Persia


billy rennekamp okwme

@trifle-labs, @clovers-network & @folia-app prev @cosmos & @interchainio Berlin

design + engineer

sydney, aus

Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Jithin Raj jithinraj
Fellow startup founder and product enthusiast. In love with all things consumer tech, open-source, and nature.


Milad Nekofar nekofar
I'm a self-taught Software Developer and a Freelancer.

Freelancer Middle East

senww.eth odyssey2077
Interested in cryptography, economics and mechanism design.

@ProjectOpenSea Bay Area

CJ 0x8f701
Rust, CUDA/SIMD, TypeScript, Solidity, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol @L2Ordinals ex-Core @parallel-finance @para-space @Ubudu @casbin

@QEDProtocol c(x, w) = 0

SunJc Sun-Jc

Tsinghua University Beijing