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Anshu S. (Sudhanshu) sah-anshu
Python & PHP Developer, Linux Administrator CTO @RemotiQ

RemotIQ Pty Ltd Pune

António Pinto apintocr

Vanguardly Portugal, Caldas da Rainha

Jernej Svete bloomyhood
My contribution has never been active and could describe my content participation was irrelevant for GitHub. I read, learn, and use. It happens I like happiness

Telemach Slovenia

Jan Pecht jan-pecht


Anthony Burak DURSUN badursun
Full-Stack Developer | Solution Architect | DevOps Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | 17+ years crafting scalable systems, clean code, and future-proof solutions.

Adjans Digital Agency Turkey

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

Donovan djcharding

Cloud Carib Ltd. Lehigh Valley, PA

BaselHack, Senior Webdev, Frontend, Hackathons, UX / UI, FPV / Drones

@iwf-web Basel, Schweiz

George Lemon georgelemon
Open Source Enthusiast 🚀

@openpeeps @trytilda @getvasco

Trần Đình Giáp GiapKun

Thanh Hóa, Việt Nam

Dharmendra Soni dharmendrasha
Designed and developed scalable backend architecture for robust data processing system with REST and graphql standards. Website :

@elitale Neitherlands

Krisztián Eyssen eyssen
Tiny ERP, OpenERP and Odoo developer since 2007, Odoo Silver Partner

eYssen IT Services Budapest HU, London UK

Markus Wegmann Atokulus
Co-Founder of Technokrat GmbH and CEO of Siglis AG.

Technokrat LLC Zürich, Switzerland

Aahnik Daw aahnik
computer science undergrad

@aahniks India

Fredon patrik-fredon
🚀 Full-stack Developer |🕵️‍♂️ SEO Specialist | 🎨 Graphic Designer | 💼 CEO & Co-Founder - Red Passion Agency - Fredon IT Ventures

Red Passion Agency Czech Republic

Parth Parmar parth25
Front-End Developer


headsmanс0de headsmanC0de
🧔🏻 Nazariy 👨🏻‍💻 Full Stack Developer


Softtech - Software & DevOps Engineer Technical Business Developer

SofttechChina China

Tyler Albee tyleralbee
Python for fun and TypeScript professionally.

Cabin Development Glendale, CA

Kaustubh kaustubhn
All about Technology!


BronzwikGk bronzwikgk
leading a kick-ass lean team @shunyadotek. With focus on Product Research & Design, workflows & bench-marking.

@shunyadotek sunnySideDown

Gerardo Herrera herreracode
Software Engineer.


Deepen Dhulla deependhulla
Innovative Thinking, Practical Solutions Mumbai,India

Rob Marshall g3-rob


MitexLeo mitexleo
Privacy Activist | FOSS Lover | GenZ 🇧🇩 🇵🇸


Marcos Bérgamo thebergamo
Beer Lover and @nodejs developer

@epam Gdansk, Poland

Henrique Couto henriquecouto
Frontend Developer

Lajedo, Pernambuco