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Silona Silona

Personal account Austin Texas

I google "how to loop in python" on a daily basis


Sammy Fung sammyfung
Open Data & Open Source Advocate | @psf fellow | @opensourcehk @pyconhk founder
Wesley wslyvh
Events @ethereum @efdevcon @efdevconnect 🦄 Web3 | OSS | Decentralization | Privacy 🛠️ Indie Maker

@Ethereum Amsterdam, NL

Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark

Batool Almarzouq BatoolMM
Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Experience in cancer bioinformatics, RNA-Seq, network biology, pathway enrichment, and integrated –omics analyses, Docker, HPC (She/her).

University of Liverpool, Alan Turing Institute Liverpool, UK

Helen Calderon helencalderon

Essex County Council Stansted ✈, United Kingdom

Nil Homedes NilHomedes

Decidim | Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia

Kevin van der Vliet kevinmimir
Advisor Data Management | CAB Dutch Built Environment | Open source for Dutch social housing | Public Money = Public Code

KleurrijkWonen Tiel

vincent tripledoublev
internet explorateur

Hypha Worker Cooperative Montréal

Gurden gurdenbatra


Youchen Lee (isacl) youchenlee

@PDIS @g0v @UniSharp @JunyiAcademy Taiwan (臺灣)

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards
maulin_n maulinniam

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Jérémie Lumbroso jlumbroso
Faculty at Penn CIS. Loves automation, markets, information systems, policy and thinking "at scale."

Department of Computer & Information Sciences, @upenn Pennington, NJ

Felix Fawkez felix-fawkez
Forbes 100 over 100

Alpha Centauri

Caitlin M. Augustin augustincaitlin
Community-centered digital innovation, @datakind work & @OrlandoLadyDevs pro bono.

DataKind Orlando, Florida

Heather McNamee nearlythere
Service Manager


Lukas Rambold ramboldio

Hasso Plattner Insitute Berlin

Andrei Ioniță andreiio
open source enthusiast // 🇪🇺 🇵🇹 🇷🇴

@commitglobal // @code4romania Lisbon, Portugal

Meagan Hanes meaganhanes
Designer, developer, and iterator of digital systems. Event organizer. Making WordPress since '12, developing with it since '06. DMs open for consulting work.

@SolaceDev Ottawa, Canada

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Benjamin Goering gobengo
I like OSS and hacking around social web publishing, cloud computing, federated identity, open annotation, games, online communities

San Francisco, CA

karel ospo-user

Belastingdienst Netherlands

Ferananda Ibarra Ferananda
Collective intelligence, invisible architectures, economics, governance, thriving organizational cultures

Commons Engine

Eduard Itrich itrich
Contribution Manager at @porscheofficial | 🔥 for Open Source and Collaboration

@porscheofficial Offenburg

Gerardo Lisboa gvlx
Data Integration Programming discovery BPMN enthusiast Open Source advocate

INFO-CARE Lisboa, Portugal

Ruben Sibon RubenSibon
Software & web developer. Linux, FOSS and open web enthusiast.

@Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands