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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Bruno Santos brunojs02
Senior frontend engineer @ Axur.

Axur Brazil

Alexandre Faust AlparAlexandreFaust
Software Engineer

@smiles-sa Brazil

Rafael Machado Guimarães rafaelmguimaraes
Software engineer. I believe in the power of technology to make lives better.

@betrybe Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Adriel Gama adrielgama
31 anos, Software Engineer .

Farmácias App Salvador - BA, Brazil

Gustavo Caleman Guscaleman

Rondonópolis - MT, Brasil

João Victor Santos Jao-Viquitor
Software Enginner | Frontend Developer
Giovani Andrino Carnaval gi-carnaval

CPCON | Soluções Completas em Controle Patrimonial | RFID

Vitor Teixeira Vitor-Tx
I'm a Full Stack Developer with a strong focus on the Front End. I'm also learning game development as a hobby!

Revvo Uberlândia - MG, Brasil

Tarcisio Philips TarcisioPhilips
Bug Creator

Handshake AI São José dos Campos - SP

astonbraham AstonBraham
Android addict and Gaming passionate.

Carlos Alvidrez carlosalvidrez
Data Governance, Risk Analytics, Text Analytics, Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Data Engineering :: Literature

Textopian Charlotte, NC

Raman Nikhil ramannikhil

BigThinkCode Chennai

Cristiano Eugenio cresilva
Hands-On Founder at Devz

@devz-io Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Benedictus Yevu benedictus-dev
Software Developer | Specializing in Large-Scale, Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, and Production-Ready Systems | Expertise in Elixir & OTP, React, and AWS
Delacyr Ferreira delacyr

MS, Brasil

Sheetal Kumar ksheetal
Converting Ideas into Reality.

McLaren Strategic Ventures New Delhi

Eliezer Rocha eliezerfrocha
Fascinated by technology and games, always looking for new challenges, fueled by coffee and code. 👨‍💻☕️👾

IFTM - Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro Uberlândia-MG, Brazil

Robert Vitoriano robertvitoriano
Always trying to build cool stuff in Javascript !
Martin tincho
Software craftsman
Enrique Mora enriquebeta6
Full Stack Developer

Stone Co Brasil

Matheus Rocha dev-math
Aprendendo com desafios

São Paulo, Brasil.

Jessé Alves JessAlvess
Desenvolvedor de Software Fullstack

Paranaguá - Paraná

Mateus Nobre mateusnobre

São Paulo, Brazil

THIAGO CREDICO thiagocredico
Desenvolvedor Web Fullstack | Mobile | Android | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Kotlin | MySQL

Trybe São Paulo

Vitoria Poncio viponcio
Desenvolvedora Front-end.
Alex altrome


Bruna Eduarda BrunaEduarda03
Software developer with S.O.L.I.D knowledge 👩‍💻

Campina Grande - PB

Otavio Dias taviodias

Maracaju, MS, Brazil

Valmario Lopes Valmario
Front-End Developer | HTML | CSS | JavaScript


Agnaldo Cordeiro AgnaldoCordeiro
Sou uma pessoa totalmente dedicada e estou sempre pronto para novos desafios. Minha paixão é programar, e busco sempre estar por dentro das novas Tecnologias

Client Craft Brazil, Araraquara/SP

Alysson Marley Dias amdiaspb
Keen fullstack developer and UI lover.

João Pessoa, Brazil.

Paulo Hernane PauloHFS

Forte Tecnologias Campina Grande

Denise Schirmer deniseschirmer
Front End Developer


Mauro H. Delmondes MauroDelmondes
Hey there 👋, welcome to my profile. "Come as you are!"

RedeFlex Cuiabá - MT

Bruno Palhano jbrunopg
Desenvolvedor Back-End | Back-End Developer | Python | SQL | Java | C# | PHP |

Itaitinga Ceará

Samuel-Amaro Samuel-Amaro
Desenvolvedor Front-End. Que adora codificar UI, aprender assuntos novos e andar de MTB. 💻
