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founder of codemaster alighasemi889
💫Front-end developer

CodeMaster IRAN

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hubert Krzemieniewski hubert-krzem

Computer Science with Data Science @ UCD Dublin, Ireland

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Erico Bernardo ERO137
Mechatronic Engineer @unicesumar - Programming with Python @cs50 - Web Programming with Python and JavasScript in Progress @cs50
Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Ant tuuniii
Second Year Computer Science Student @ Dublin City University

Dublin, Ireland

K O'D-D (xoreax) koyakonsta
1337 retro and semi-contemporary gamer


Gavin Holahan HypnoAnt
2nd Year Computer Science @ DCU System Administrator @redbrick


Artur Martins arturmartins
SRE, InfoSecOps, DevOps, RandomCoder, Cloud stuff :)

Dublin, Ireland

Ciaran Johnson cjaran
Building tomorrows technology today

Photo Experience Drogheda

Luke Collins lcollins
DevOps Architect with a love for dogs, cars and technology

@merative Dublin, Ireland

Ayden aydenjahola
Third year Computer Science Student at Dublin City University | Sysadmin @redbrick | Head of Software Engineering @DCU-Solar-Racing

Dublin, Ireland

Jake Farrell CheeseLad
Computer Science @ DCU | Chairperson @redbrick | Webmaster @DCUMPS & @DCU-Fotosoc | Software Engineer @DCU-Solar-Racing

@redbrick Dublin, Ireland

Jed Hazaymeh JedHazaymeh

Dublin City University Dublin, Ireland

wizzdom wizzdom
Admin @redbrick | CS student @ DCU | Linux enthusiast

@redbrick Éire (Ireland)

Nemo R3X-G1L6AME5H
"I’m a CS Student chasing a CS Job. I wouldn’t know what to do if I ever caught one, you know, I just do…things." - Joker

Dublin City University Dublin

Javier CrocsCode
Soon to be computer scientist.
Clíodhna Harrison cliodhnaharrison
Software Engineer @tines

Tines Dublin, Ireland

Cian Kehoe ciankehoe
Senior Software Engineer @HubSpot

@HubSpot Waterford / Dublin

James Hackett DistroByte
Devops/SRE @IBM | CASE @ DCU Graduate | Former Systems Administrator, Chair @redbrick

@ibm Ireland