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10 repositories
Public archiveA curated list of awesome examples and tooling around release notes .release-notes-hub
Public archiveHosted release notes for open source projects.🎉 Command line interface for managing release notes. 🎉
Public archiveJSON schema definitions of the release notes specification.release-notes
Public archive🎉💥 Hosted changelog pages and release announcements for open source projects 💥🎉changelog-parser
Public archiveThe changelog parser reads files and derivatives and converts them to release notes objects with a standardized schema.release-notes-node
Public archiveNode.js reference implementation of the Release Notes Specification.release-notes-spec
Public archiveThe goal of this repository is to work out an easy to use, human readable and machine processable schema for release notes.eslint-config-release-notes
Public archiveCoding standards as eslint config for release notes Node.js source code.release-notes-hub-dev-env
Public archiveDocker compose setup for hacking the locally.