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9 repositories
- The Retailer Driven Stock Optimisation Decision Support System provides retailers with the visibility upstream of their supply chain, and suppliers with the visibility of the downstream supply chain, enabling a more efficient optimization of operational parameters such as production, stocks position, movements and levels, maximization of product…
- The Supply Chain Finance DSS covers a set of solutions that optimizes cash flow by allowing businesses to lengthen their payment terms to their suppliers while providing the option for their large and SME suppliers to get paid early. This results in a win-win situation for the buyer and supplier. The buyer optimizes working capital, and the supp…
- The Logistics Pooling For Urban Distribution Decision Support System integrates all actors of the supply chain to allow collaborative planning with the aim of reducing the number of vehicles-km and the cost of urban freight transportation.
- The Synchromodality Capacity Optimisation Decision Support System serves LSP companies and their customers and supports them by providing a complete supply chain visibility and situational awareness (status, location, ETA, etc.) on the movement of goods, trains, wagons, trucks, containers, pallets, etc.
PublicThe e-Compliance DSS automates the process of investigating regulatory compliance, by extracting all the necessary data, analysing it and providing recommendations for suspicious activity and/or discrepancies in documents and data.pubsub
PublicThe SELIS Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning system (BDA) is a cloud enabled elastic system that addresses data related issues from the logistics domain. It offers a Data Lake infrastructure for Big Data Insights by combining data in-"motion" and "at-rest". This is perforned through a combination of two powerful abstractions: an abstract da…selis-node-connectors