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Shane B. N0TLuck0xF

8-Bit Outlaws Inc

Ash AshtonHamm
Full Stack Software Engineer


Jaime Martin martinprojectco

Martin Project Co. Spain

Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland

Daniel Hampton DaNyNaNd
I am an engineer and entrepreneur in software development.

Redspur, Inc Memphis, TN

Frederick frederick-greenacademy
🔥Love with Rust 🦀 and ☕️...

Trawl Saigon, VN

Sougata Ganguly Subhocr07
There’s no place like ::1


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Chingun Erdene-Ochir Jhingun1
Engineer. Artist. Hacker.

CEO @lingoledger San Franciso, California

Stanislav Fedii ubermensch01
Senior/Lead SDET experienced in all things backend and frontend testing. Golang, Java, Python, JS/TS, K8s/Helm

New York, NY

Nick S nickadian
One Find Limits By Pushing Them

@SolinkCorp & @WetRentals Ottawa,ON

Elliot Braem elliotBraem

@near-everything, @nearbuilders Brooklyn, NY

Christopher Haueter christopher-haueter
Software Engineer with expertise in Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, CSS, other web technologies, and AI.

Houston, TX

Hung Neo hungneox
Simple is hard.

@swappiehq Espoo

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
XC xchehub
Nowadays, we generate photos instead of shooting them.
Miles Mickelson MilesMickelson
Fullstack Developer specializing in the Frontend, striving to advance my skills and knowledge to be the best I can be.

#LFW Columbus, OH